Oct 102011

Yesterday I meditated on the Ellipsoid Orb, but the Orb did not bless me.  On a positive note, Pastor Orton of the Denver congregation may have be defrocked.  I’m current on replies.  Tomorrow, I’ll be spending much of the day at an appointment.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:30 (average 4:24).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Religious Agony:


Short Takes:

From AP/Google: Republican presidential hopeful Michele Bachmann said Sunday that her unsuccessful fight against raising the federal debt ceiling kept her away from New Hampshire for nearly four months, but she’s still committed to winning over voters in the key early primary state.

How absurd!  I’ll have a load of that for the front lawn!

From Raw Story: House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) suggested Sunday that the Occupy Wall Street protests were the fault of President Barack Obama for “sowing class envy and social unrest.”

How absurd!  I’ll have a load of that for the front lawn too!

From Crooks and Liars: Nancy Pelosi defends OWS demonstrators.

It sounds like Nancy had a load of that for the front lawn!




  15 Responses to “Open Thread–10/10/2011”

  1. I support “Occupy Wall Street” and stand proud with my fellow 99 Per-Centers!

  2. 3:59

    Cantor said nothing when Tea baggers were breaking windows and such during the Health Care debates either. Did he?



  3. http://today.msnbc.msn.com/id/12151611/ns/today-entertainment/t/hank-williams-jr-surrenders-police/#.TpMkkJuImU8

    Click on the link above to read about Hank’s arrest in Memphis and a rare photo of him without his shades and cowboy hat.

    A little “dorky”, isn’t he.  I don’t pay much attention to anything he says.  He’s no expert on anything, actually.

  4. Yeah, there’s so much violence down there – most of it created by the cops.

    And Michelle Bachmann is, was, and will always be an idiot.  You were in Iowa during the debt crisis you stupip bitch.

    Ditto for, Cantor – everything that comes out of his mouth is bullshit.

  5. Bachmann — Liar, liar, pants on fire!  Let’s see, she was in NH 02 June, the debt ceiling vote was 02 August.  That’s 2 months.  We know she’s been on the campaign trail and the debates because we’ve had to listen to her non sensical drivel.  But she’s had the audacity to tell NH voters that the debt ceiling vote kept her away for over 4 months!  I hope she hasn’t deluded herself into thing that the voters can’t see through this!  She must be an asshole because she sure is spewing forth a lot of shit.

    TomCat, you said you live in an apartment, so you don’t have your own front lawn!  Now what ya’ goin’ to do?  ROFLOL!

    Paul Ryan — What’s he been smoking?  There’s another one who’s head is so far up a dark place that he’ll never get it out without surgery!  Ryan, read the signs, listen to the people.  This has nothing to do with President Obama sowing the seeds of class envy and social unrest.  This has everything to do with corporatists and the seedy little bastards known as Republicans who are holding the country hostage with their lies and deceit and their single minded purpose of making President Obama a one term president.

    Nanacy Pelosi — Good on her for showing Cantor, the little worm, for the slug that he is.  I guess what is good for the goose is not good for the gander in his book!. 

    Cartoon — I might have put him on the FBI’s 10 Most Wanted List for stupid and tactless statements and behaviour.


  6. 3:23  🙂  I am 91 out of 283 (322).

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