Sep 242011

Yesterday I was exhausted and slept most of the day.  Then I slept some more.  I’m current on replies.  Today I have housework and paperwork to do.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:55 (average 5:24).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From LA Times: Liberal filmmaker Michael Moore has called for an economic boycott of the state of Georgia to protest Wednesday’s execution of Troy Davis, the Savannah man convicted of murdering an off-duty police officer in 1989.

"I encourage everyone I know to never travel to Georgia, never buy anything made in Georgia, to never do business in Georgia," Moore wrote on his website in a blog item posted a few hours after Davis’ death.

"I will ask my publisher to pull my book from every Georgia bookstore and if they won’t do that I will donate every dime of every royalty my book makes in Georgia to help defeat the racists and killers who run that state. I ask all Americans with a conscience to shun anything and everything to do with the murderous state of Georgia."

I agree with Michael Moore and support boycotting the criminal Republican state of Georgia.

From VOA News: Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas formally asked the U.N. Security Council Friday to recognize a Palestinian state. Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu countered that statehood should only follow a negotiated peace accord, and the international Quartet on the Middle East called for new direct talks under a strict time-frame.

In 1948, Israel rejected the notion that their own statehood should depend upon a negotiated peace accord.

From Raw Story: Scientists at the Penn State College of Medicine said this week they have discovered a virus that is capable of killing all types of breast cancer "within seven days" of first introduction in a laboratory setting.

The virus, known as adeno-associated virus type 2 (AAV2), is naturally occurring and carried by up to 80 percent of humans, but it does not cause any disease.

Researchers learned of its cancer-killing properties in 2005, after Penn State scientists observed it killing cervical cancer cells. They also found that women who carried the AAV2 virus and human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes cervical cancer, had a lower propensity to develop cervical cancer.

Republicans are trying to cut funding for this and other research to help pay for corporate gets, oil subsidies, and welfare for millionaires, billionaires, and corporate criminals.




  4 Responses to “Open Thread–9/24/2011”

  1. Michael Moore — AMEN!  I had already decided to do this.  I hope he is successful in having his book pulled from Georgia bookstores.  Unfortunately, Georgians are likely the ones that need a big dose of Michael Moore to get them thinking.

    Palestine — The Secretary General has given the matter over to the Security Council for a vote on Monday.  Additionally, I understand that the Israeli delegation to the General Assembly walked out when Mr Abbas got up to speak.  It is interesting that what was good for the goose in 1948 is not good for the gander in 2011!  The parties have had how much time to negotiate but there is always something going on and one party of the other is walking out.  They need to start listening to each other and respect each other.  With Israel still allowing settlements in disputed areas, I certainly don’t have much respect for them.  Possession is NOT nine-tenths of the law in this case.

    Encouraging Breast Cancer News — This is great news.  But for the Republicans, I guess Pro-Life only goes so far and only when it is convenient — to a foetus, but once born, forget it — no affordable medical care, no education, no jobs.  Oh wait, I just realised that the Republicans are a bunch of 2 year olds that only know one word — NO!  If they are so pro-life, why are they so strong on the death penalty?  And why are they resistant to helping fund breast cancer research that could save about 40,000 women’s lives in the US each year?  As I said, 2 years olds!

    Great graphic — Republican Workers’ Rights.  Has a fair amount of job security as long as you don’t croak on the job. (heavy sarcasm!)

    • I’m having second thoughts.  Most of the businesses this would harm are in Atlanta which is more progressive than the rest of the state.  I understand the city was strongly opposed to the execution.

      US will veto, I’m sure. 🙁

      Republican concern for life ends at birth.


  2. 4:33  Not an easy puzzle.  I am 84 out of 267 (315).

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