Sep 172011

Yesterday was a very lazy day.  I slept late in the morning and took a nap in the afternoon.  I’m still a bit groggy, but I needed the sleep.  I’m current on replies.  Tomorrow I have errands to run and paperwork to do.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:52 (average 4:56).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Raw Story: How much power does the Secretary of the Treasury wield over the President of the United States? Apparently enough to refuse a direct order, according to a forthcoming book.

In “Confidence Men: Wall Street, Washington, and the Education of a President,” by Pulitzer-winning journalist Ron Suskind, a picture of tension is painted between the president and his economic team, with the extreme example of Treasury Secretary Timothy Geithner ignoring an order to have Citigroup dissolved.

Suskind added that the president has been “systematically undermined or hedged by his seasoned advisers" at nearly every turn, according to an excerpt published by Politico.

Obama has nobody but himself to blame for this.  He should have fired Timmy the Tyrant at the first sign of disobedience and still should, especially now that this has come out.

From USA Today: A Tea Party activist seeking to make abortion a key issue says he’ll challenge House Speaker John Boehner in a GOP primary next year.

David Lewis told the Cincinnati Enquirer today that he’s making an issue of Boehner’s support of a federal budget that included funding for Planned Parenthood, the nation’s largest provider of abortions.

Ha-ha-ha!  I love it.  After all his criminal duplicity, Agent Orange is being Teabuggered.  May the fight be long, vicious, and very,very expensive.

From Washington Post: AFL-CIO president Richard Trumka and AFSCME chief Gerald McEntee are now joining the call for the supercommittee, and members of Congress in general, to embrace Merkley’s plan. It would require that the supercommittee submit its individual proposals to the non-partisan Congressional Budget Office for an evaluation of the impact they would have on unemployment and the labor market.

Labor is right to get behind Jeff!




  11 Responses to “Open Thread–9/17/2011”

  1. 4:58 Bleh!

    I could never understand why he chose Timmy in the first place.

  2. Isn’t the cross an obsolete execution device?  It looks to me like these “new Christian terrorists” need to wear modern execution equipment around their necks.  An injection table, electric chair or gallows, so we can tell which state they’re from. Evil

  3. Mark your calendar for 11-11-11 … a red-letter day!  Not only will that be my Mom’s 95th B-Day, but it will also be the Inaugural Carrier Classic basketball game between Michigan State and the U. of North Carolina.  It will be played on the USS Carl Vinson, stationed in the San Diego harbor.

    OK, you’re thinking “Big Deal!  Who gives a rat’s ass.”  But the fact that makes it interesting for those who don’t care about basketball, is that the USS Carl Vinson is is the aircraft carrier from which Osama bin Laden was buried at sea on May 2, 2011.

    • That’s sounds like a good game to boycott.

      • Why would you boycott that game?!?  The crowd of 7,000 attendees who will be there on Veterans’ Day (11-11-11) will almost entirely be veterans and active military personnel – and it’s being underwritten by Quicken. 

        I think it’s a treat for – and a grand tribute to – people in our military services on Veterans’ Day at no taxpayer expense.  What am I missing?  [Or do you have something against my Mom’s B-Day?  ; – ) ]

  4. 4:21  Well, an extra day of rest did not help.  I am 81 out of 260 (312).

  5. Well let’s try this again — I lost my internet connection after it froze during my comments.

    Well, I got side tracked when I went into Politico when I saw a video of Michele Bachman on the Jay Leno show.  Either she is a total airhead, which in my mind is distinctly possible, or she is so cagey that she is making herself look stupid so she doesn’t have to answer too many controversial questions.  When Leno pushed her on “|pray away the gay”, she responded with “When I heard that I thought it was a mid-life crisis thing, ‘prayer raises grey’,” was Bachmann’s lame attempt at a jokey reply, which drew only an annoyed grunt from Leno.  There wasn’t a sound from the audience, or maybe there wasn’t an audience.  There was also another article I didn’t read about how her staff are trying to keep step with her missteps.

    Geithner — I worked as a manager for HSBC, the world’s 2nd largest bank behind Citigroup, and I know that dissolving a large bank like that has some serious repercussions.  To intelligently discuss them is beyond me, however nowhere is it mentioned in the articles just how much discussion there was around this order.  The one comment that gave indiction is from Geithner when he said “I don’t slow walk the president on anything.”  To me this shows an arrogance that is unbelievable.  It makes me wonder if he is just Republican in Democrat’s clothing.  If that’s the kind of confrontational attitude he is going to take, then I say “Good bye and don’t let the door hit your ass on the way out!”

    Boehner vs Lewis — and don’t forget, very, very, very public so that those who have a hard time seeing the Republicans for what they are, will have no problems understanding.  Anyone taking bets on the winner?

    Supercommittee — I agreed with you a few days ago that they should follow Merkley’s plan.  Nice to know that labour is behind his plan too.

    Great cartoon.  Puzzle, well we won’t discuss my time today.


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