Poll Results–9/1/2011

 Posted by at 1:04 am  Blog News, Politics
Sep 012011

Here are the results of the Obama Job Performance Poll.


And here are your comments.

From DesertMac on August 30, 2011 at 9:03 pm


Don I, you’re quite the history revisionista, aren’t you. That’s not a question. Why is it that you rightwingnuts feel compelled to lie ALL the damn time? I’m not saying there weren’t dems like Larry Summers involved in deregulating the banks, but everyone with half a brain and the simplest of memories knows it was republiscum like Phil Gramm who crafted and championed those bills, and gutting Glass Steagal. And it has been republiscum who have fought tooth and nail against every miniscule attempt to regulate the banks and protect the consumers put forth by democrats. NOT ONE consumer protection bill related to banks has been introduced by a republiscum. Go spout your lies on some red state blog.

As for Obama, I voted "Bad". He has betrayed the people too damn many times to forgive him. Everything from extending and enhancing the Patriot Act and sanctioning warrantless wiretapping to protecting the big banks and surrounding himself with Wall Street crooks, stopping investigations of the banks and mort industries, stopping investigation and prosecution of the Bush criminal regime, to keeping the wars going (50K soldiers in Iraq still is NOT and end!) to appointing the Monsanto VP lawyer to "advise" the FDA, to proposing 36 billion for loan guarantees for nuke plants to stripping the public option from healthcare before the game even started to actively pressuring the 50 state AGs to give the mort banks a free pass….. I could go on and on with things he has done and not done that he led us to believe he would act in the opposite direction when we voted him into office.

I will vote for him as a protest vote against whomever the republiscum put up there, since we know it will be another mental midget hell bent on destroying the country faster than Obama could possibly act to destroy it— which he is doing.


From Marva on August 25, 2011 at 11:59 am


I hope I’ll be able to raise his rating in my opinion from Bad to at least Fair before I’ll have no choice but to vote for him. I don’t dislike him. I think he believes the right stuff (that is, the things I do), but he continues the insane attempts to work with the Republicans when they’ve flat out stated they won’t. I think some executive orders would help. How about vetoing earthquake aid to Cantor’s District? Guess he can’t do that. No unilateral presidents.


From Don I in reply to Marva on August 28, 2011 at 3:54 pm


You believe in destroying the country?? If Obama doesn’t have that as one of his first priorities, it seems he’s doing a much better job at getting that done, than he is at solving any of our problems.


From Willow2884 on August 24, 2011 at 8:16 am


I think President Obama has tried too hard to govern from the center. I think he believest that if everyone is not quite happy, then he has done his job. However, he did campaign on specific promises and has not kept his end of the bargain. He has in the eyes of many democrats become milk toast to the GOP. Why did he not speak up in support of Unions while they were being demolished in Wisconsin? Why did he not push harder for the public option for health care? Why did he allow the Bush Tax Cuts to go through, then allow the GOP to tell us all we’re broke? He has had many successes also and needs to regain his confidence going forward or he will lose his support. Where is the Obama that was fearless, confident, strong and unwavering? We want that guy back!


From Don I in reply to Willow2884 on August 28, 2011 at 4:33 pm


Our country is NOT broke. The govt has more than enough monthly income to pay for its bills. It just came to a point where Obama and the Dem’s couldn’t spend any more without increasing the Debt ceiling.

The real culprit was the legislations Dem’s passed and amended over the years that deregulated banking and financial businesses, allowed lenders to make super risky and just palin BAD loans, FORCED the lenders meet govt mandated quotas or be penalized, and made Fannie Mae buy up the bad loans (placing the liability for the bad loans squarely on the tax payers shoulders).

Unions should NOT be allowed to force all workers at a business to join them or NOT be able to work. People should have the freedom to choose whether they want to join or not. ALL states should be "Right To Work" States, where businesses can decide whether unions will be allowed to represent their workers or not. A person could decide whether to apply for work at a company knowing they may or may not be able to have representation by a union.

Can you tell me what the difference between a union and what the mob used to be? The Mob of (was illegal), used to allow people to do business in the area they controlled IF the businesses paid them off with weekly or monthly dues (for protection). If you didn’t pay them off and play the game the way the mob wanted you to, you were at best, run out of business, and at worst you wound up dead.

Today, Unions (are legal) allow people to do work at a business they control negotiations with, IF the person pays them off with monthly dues (for job security). If you don’t pay them off you don’t get to work any more.


From Ann on August 18, 2011 at 4:55 pm


He doesn’t walk what he talks and the people who voted for him got betrayed in his attempt to appease the Republicans who will continue to stab him in the back. Maybe corporations and banks are too powerful even for the president, but still, there doesn’t seem to be genuine fight in him,… JFK might have been our last true ‘for the people’ president and well, they certainly made an example of what happens if speak too loudly for the people…


From Bonnie on August 15, 2011 at 10:10 am


He’s tried to get things done and the Republicans are against everything he does. He tries way too hard to be liked by Republicans and capitulates on things that are important to the People. Independents and Republican vote is more important than his base and he’s running for votes not for the good of the people.

For the record, the right-wing extremist was banned from commenting for personal attacks.  He snuck in through the back door.  I reported him.

We had a broad spectrum response with good and fair garnering the most votes.  To evaluate the results for terrible, consider that it includes both right wingers and the extreme left.

I voted fair.  He has caved into to Republicans so many times that he should have realized by now that, when you have to use Vaseline on your butt, it’s not bipartisanship.  He has fallen short of campaign promises on human rights and transparency.  On the other hand, given the level of Republican obstruction, and considering that he never had a filibuster proof majority in the Senate, because of Lieberman and Nelson, it’s amazing that he accomplished anything at all.

The new poll questions how Obama should proceed on jobs.  Don’t forget to vote.


  12 Responses to “Poll Results–9/1/2011”

  1. Seems top 83 voters are not as informed about how things have worked out for the president or the American people these past 2.75 years.

  2. Interesting comments to your poll.

  3. I’m disgusted with Obama – and while I agree that he has been facing extraordinary opposition in congress, and more obstructionism than I’ve witnessed in my lifetime, I would appreciate O to stand up to them regardless of the consequences and show them who they are! I too would rate his performance as “fair”, the policies he has enacted have been impressive, but he too is a war president, who has continued the same “war” policies of the previous administration, without bringing that administration to justice – he never closed gitmo, he let those who who committed war crimes and crimes against humanity go free, he allowed the spoiled image of the US to remain sullied – that is unforgiveable – those treasonous acts were done in “our” name – mine and yours as a cittizen – and we should at the very least, obtain justice! That this president was complicit in allowing treason to go unpunished is not what I voted for – that he should continue the foreign policy of the previous administration and even carry it further into the Middle East and Africa is untenable – so his rating is dropping daily in my estimation! I have to give him credit for at least stating in his campaign that he would continue operations in Afghanistan, but time’s up -O – end the damn wars a’ready! Grow some gonads and stand up to these republicans – and even if you lose at least you’ll have saved face!

  4. Well, I, for one, will sorely miss “Don I’s” inciteful commentary. 😉

  5. Assuming it is true that the small numbers of the polls are not a “scientific sample,” it is still interesting to me that so many placed their answers more positively for Obama than ‘fair.’ I know one of my friends will say absolutely nothing against Obama and excuses EVERYTHING to blame it on the Teapublicans (my term). So, perhaps there are more of the straight-Democratic-ticket types here than those who can be a little more balanced in their assessments. Not that my friend is definitely wrong; there’s a small possibility that Obama will make his moves in his second term. That’s the hope that I’m clinging to. If he’s just as disappointing in his second term, then there will be no end to the “social unrest” that I’LL FOMENT! (And keep following TomCat.) 😉

    • Caitlin, what makes the poll unscientific is not the number of voters. It’s that the voters were not selected to represent a demographically accurate cross section of American voters.

  6. I was so excited for the American people when Mr Obama took office.  I saw a fresh determination to help the country; I saw someone trying to reach out to all Americans, including the republicans.  But what the republicans have done is stand in the way of a better America.  Republicans are bullies and obstructionists, only out to line their own pockets — and don’t expect them to apologise for that because they won’t.  They’ll just laugh themselves sillier.

    The President can’t do things alone; he has to have support.  Have ordinary Americans been lining up behind him doing what they can?  I don’t know the answer, but given that the House of Representatives is controlled by Republicans, I think not.  People have to be openly engaged and thinking about what is being said.  They have to critically look at what is being said and ask themselves if what is being proposed is reasonable for the country, does it make sense.  They have to use the brain that the Creator gave them.  The Republicans are spoon feeding the population on pablum, not steak!   And the minute you’re not looking, they change the menu for themselves.  If you like pablum, then don’t bitch.  But if you’d rather have steak, then speak up and participate.

    Although I am not an American, I think Mr Obama has done a fair to good job given what he was given to work with.

    • Lynn, I can answer that question.  Time and time again we have told him in countless letters, emails,petitions and telephone calls that, if he will take a stand, we’ll stand with him.  We’re still waiting.  Sadly, there are far too many pablum eaters, the ones I call sheeple.

      I agree.

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