Aug 202011

Yesterday I spent most of the day in bed, recovering form the rigors of Thursday.  My two days a month working in prison are hard on me, but worth it.  I finally found an air conditioner that will not overload the electrical system in my 100+ year old building.  It’s a free standing unit that is only 1,000 BTUs and only pulls 250W.  It will be delivered right after the current heat wave is over next week.  I am current on replies.  Today I have volunteer paperwork to do.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:06 (average 5:07).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From LA Times: Russ Feingold will not run for U.S. Senate [or for governor] again in 2012, the Wisconsin Democrat told supporters in an email Friday morning. 

"While I may seek elective office again someday, I have decided not to run for public office during 2012," Feingold wrote.

Feingold’s decision throws a monkey wrench into plans to recall the Dictator of Fitzwalkerstan.  Without a well known candidate to oppose Walker, recall is unlikely.

From TPM: Ronald Reagan’s chief domestic policy adviser took Texas governor Rick Perry to the woodshed Friday for recent controversial statements — in particular about his suggestion that Fed Chairman Ben Bernanke would be committing treason by printing money to boost economic growth.

"Rick Perry’s an idiot, and I don’t think anyone would disagree with that," Bruce Bartlett said on CNN’s American Morning.

Who would have thought that I would ever agree with Ronnie Ray-Gun’s domestic policy czar on anything!??!

From Right Wing Watch: While the Family Research Council tries to paint itself as one of the Religious Right’s more mainstream and respectable lobbying organizations, its extreme rhetoric continues to gain exposure. Just yesterday, for instance, FRC president Tony Perkins called the anti-suicide It Gets Better Project “immoral” and “disgusting” in a fundraising letter.

Now, Perkins is calling advocates of church-state separation “cultural terrorists.” Yesterday during Today’s Issues [Theocons delinked] with American Family Association president Tim Wildmon on the AFA’s American Family Radio, Perkins portrayed liberals as unpatriotic and attacked legal organizations that support secular government as un-American, comparing them to terrorists.

The only difference between the Religious Right’s more “mainstream and respectable” wing and the Dominionism of Bachmann and Perry is the size of the tin foil hat.  Both have replaced authentic Christianity with their own invention: Republican Supply-side Jesus with his gospel of greed, hate and racism.




  11 Responses to “Open Thread–8/20/2011”

  1. I bummed that he’s not governor or senator yet but I do think he’ll run again.

    So did Karl Rove so you know he’s acting like an asshole.

    Perkins has nothing useful to say and he’s a bigot on top of that.

    Yeah, well I for one glad that he’s gone and not coming back. 👿

  2. 4:06 It’s a tie!

    Too bad about russ Feingold’s decision.

    It seems all the top guns in the GOP have the same opinion about Perry’s statement about Bernanke.

    If wishes were horses we all would ride. Good riiddance GW.
    The only think that would make me happy about him being back is if he were back because he was on trial for crimes against humanity.

  3. ♦ Congrats on the AC! Not sure about Portland, but here in the KCMO metro we’ll need our AC (at least now & again) until mid- to late September.
    ♦ Feingold not running bums me out.
    ♦ The only downside to the bashing of Perry (of which I’ve done more than my fair share) is that I actually hope he’s the repubican candidate. Romney kinda worries me if he were the nominee.

  4. 4:16 The “minute rule” strikes again, another loss. I am 71 out of 232 (306).

  5. Ah, the memories! That must be the picture where Bush poopied his pants, reading “My Pet Goat”. 👿

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