InsaniTEA Down Under

 Posted by at 12:46 am  Politics
Jul 162011

Australia may be declaring War against the US.  I cannot prove how this happened, but I must conjecture that the Teabaggers smuggled  some of their vile brew into Australia and inflicted it upon that sovereign nation, resulting in a display Teabuggery that has all the earmarks of their American counterparts.

teabag-obsceneI reported last month that Australian climate scientists have been facing death threats and cyberbullying.  Sadly, the video makes clear that this now extends to visiting scientists.

Climate change has hit Australia harder than almost anywhere else, first with the decade long Big Dry and then the once-in-500-year deluges of the past year.  Hell and High Water.

But many climate science deniers are so entrenched in their anti-government, anti-scientist ideology that they are simply impervious to reality.  So they actually threaten the scientists who are trying to warn everybody about the looming catastrophe.., [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Here’s the video:


Teabuggery is obscene no matter where it happens.


  11 Responses to “InsaniTEA Down Under”

  1. Beware Aussies! The Tea-baggers are invading your country.

  2. Gaaaaaah! It’s not just the U.S.!

    By the way, have I told you how hilarious I find that photo? I doubt the cat feels the same, though!

    • Ahab, an Aussie friend on SU replied YES! YES! YES!

      The victims of teabuggery never enjoy it. πŸ˜‰

      Feel free to use the graphic.

  3. They define Obscene–seems nothing stops the insanity—

  4. Well, it didn’t work, because Australia just became the first country to actually tax carbon emissions – $12/ton effective immediately. This occurred just this week (or perhaps last week). I’m hoping, having suffered some of the worst climate change as a result of man-made carbon dioxide, they will lead the world in effectively dealing with it.

    Also, Japan is reducing it’s use of electricity by 15% nationwide as a result of their diminished nuclear facilities. It is affecting everything from how office workers dress for work, to reduced train schedules, to lights-out in empty office buildings at night. This is to continue until the fall, when temperatures drop, but already there is talk of making the changes permanent.

  5. WTF is wrong with these people? I’m surprised someone in that crowd didn’t put that noose around that asshole’s neck and hang HIM with it. ‘Cause I would have. “Let’s just try this on for size, shall we?” πŸ‘Ώ

  6. It’s kind of moot when the only way to make a point is to act worse than a five-year old throwng a temper tantrum. When has hot air blowing and over-the-top emotions ever worked in a sucessful idealogical debate. Our video game obsessed, self indulgent world does not know how to simply listen. What a shame. Meanwhile I am sad to say that my grandchildren will probably never see the beautiful wildlife or environment unless it gets downloaded to their ipods. As it is they can barely keep their fingers from twitching at the dinner table, and how can you appreciate the outdoors if you need to watch tv on a road trip?

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