Cantor Lied About Debt Talks

 Posted by at 2:03 am  Politics
Jul 142011

Republicans are desperate to save face in their debt ceiling debacle.  Warfare within the Republican Party has broken out between Republicans running scared from Wall Street and Republicans running scared from their own brown-shirts.  When today’s meeting was essentially over, Obama was wrapping it up, but having trouble because Cantor interrupted him several times.  Finally Obama got up  and left.  Cantor is lying to try to excuse his own desertion of debt talks in mid-stream.  Look how this has imbued Republicans with fear.

Republican Kool AidPresident Obama abruptly left debt negotiations with congressional leaders Wednesday at the White House when a top Republican said there was no longer time to engage in the large-scale deficit reduction discussions the White House is now seeking as part of a vote to raise the nation’s debt ceiling.

The flare-up came at the end of the nearly two-hour session during which House Majority Leader Eric Cantor (R-Va.) told the president that Congress should instead consider a series of debt ceiling votes based on spending cuts that already have been identified. Talks could then continue to identify additional cuts for subsequent votes, he said.

Republicans have refused Democrats’ call for taxes on the wealthy. The president responded by ending the meeting, sources said.

"I suggested we were so far apart I didn’t see in the time before us how we get to where he wants us to be," Cantor told reporters after the meeting.

Obama warned Cantor not to set such an ultimatum, and according to congressional and administration aides repeated his vow to veto legislation that would extend the debt ceiling only for a short period.

"The president told me, ‘Eric, don’t call my bluff. I’m going to take this to the American people,’ " Cantor said…

Inserted from <LA Times>

Keith Olbermann exposes the lie with Markos Moulitsas and brings us up to date on Countdown.

Rachel Maddow explains how the problem that remains here is all Republican with Senator Sherrod Brown (D-OH).

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We’re not out of the woods.  In short, the problem is that Republicans could not have achieved what they did in the 2010 elections by depending on the votes of those whom they actually serve.  There aren’t that many millionaires, billionaires and corporate criminals.  So they swelled their ranks by empowering every flavor or extremist they could lure into the party.  I hope the leadership will be able to bring their storm troopers into line.  Wall Street will mobilize their greed.  But whatever happens, the Republican Party will suffer from this, hopefully all the way to 2013, as long as Obama keeps doing what he’s doing now, and congressional Democrats do not form a circular firing squad.


  16 Responses to “Cantor Lied About Debt Talks”

  1. I personally do not trust any of them who would politicize the health and welfare of all the hundreds of millions of people of the nation whose only voice is a vote.

  2. Cantor’s petulance is getting on my nerves. I probably would have taken a swing at the brat. Not really but it sure would feel good if the punch connected to his smug face.

    • Agreed. That slimly little bastard is too big for his britches as the old saying goes and it is really about time for someone to take him down. Frankly, I don’t care how he goes down just do it. Meanwhile, Boner probably shuffled off to have another drink and a cry.

    • Cantor is acting like he’s in daycare and throwing a thermonuclear temper tantrum like my kids used to do in the grocery store if they couldn’t have something they wanted. I stopped that by bringing along some animal crackers that would last them the 45 minutes it took go to the grocery store. Maybe he needs some animal crackers and a nap. 🙄 And Boner can’t even get his own party in line showing what an ineffective leader he really is. If the Dems pulled this under Nancy, they would have had a personal talking to (using the mom voice I’m assuming) until that person fell into line with the rest of the group. Like Nancy or not, but that woman got shit DONE. 😉

  3. Cantor , if he were my child , deserves the switch to his backside — spoiled, arrogant -whining, “petulant” and oh yes– obstructionist– — So rude and ignorant— A meeting is over when the President says its over , and leaves . That is protocol , correct behavior , Cantor seems to be completely ignorant about about how to act , or what constitutes manners i.e. protocol – Absolutely disgusting – his sense of self- importance !

  4. For his high school yearbook quote, Eric Ivan Cantor chose:
    “I Want What I Want When I Want It!”
    And he hasn’t matured one iota since high school.

    I posted Cantor’s actual HS Senior photo showing the quote – plus a link to WaPo documenting he chose it – at Daily Kos. The photo is a hoot – he looks constipated to me:

    • Omg, he doesn’t look constipated, he looks like he just shit his pants and is hoping that part won’t show in the picture! Great find Nameless! 😆

  5. Boner’s the only one of them (Gop) that know’s the importance of getting liquored up first, before meeting with the President. Steels the nerves, so you don’t look as foolish as Cantor. 👿

  6. Cantor is a Kapo and has always been a Kapo. In fact he’s worse then the Jewish Kapo’s that oversaw the death camps that were mostly Jewish.

    He supports all the same policies that Hitler’s Nazi’s supported and that is why he is a member of the Republican Fascist Nazi Party. He demonstrated it at a tea party rally on the House Steps before the vote was taken on the Health Care Act.

    Before him at the rally were dozens of tea bagger supporters carrying racist and bigoted sign and posters. One particular huge poster that there is no way in Hell he did not see was the one of President Obama as Hitler. To the right of the President in this poster was a picture of those who had died in the Death Camps with the words Obama Care underneath them.

    Not once at that time or at any time did the Kapo Nazi Cantor reject, condemn or denounce that poster or any of the other racist and bigoted signs his supporters carried. Then when the vote came on the Health Care Act he voted to send 45 million Americans to death for lack of affordable health care, just like the Kapo’s at the Death Camps decided who went to a work detail and got to live and who went to the Gas Showers.

    Kapo Nazi Cantor is despicable and a disgrace to his Jewish Heritage and the Jewish Religion. His Synagogue should kick him out and he should be shunned by all Jews. Both most of all he is a disgrace to all those who died under Hitler at the Death Camps which included Gypsies, Blacks and all those who did not believe or follow Hitler’s pure white, pure blooded German agenda.

    He’s bought and paid for by his Fascist Corporate Masters and has betrayed the American People and the Constitution. He should be dragged out of his home or office and be publicly executed for Treason like all of the Republican Fascist Nazi’s who will do everything in their power to totally destroy America like Hitler destroyed Germany. He’s a low life piece of shit and I pray he dies.

  7. These guys are maggots, inspired by evil – but they seem confused about whose crap is the most tasty! Seems that Boner has no control over Cantor (or vice versa)! Hopefully the maggots will suffer food poisoning!
    If it’s fear-mongering – ok it’s successful – I’m scared! This is an impasse that seems unbridgable – but still have faith that the big “O” might be able to succeed!

  8. The Repubs are really looking bad on this – they can’t even get their own party to agree on anything – much less the debt ceiling. And light bulbs? Really? That’s what they are doing instead of working on the budget and the debt ceiling? All because Michele Bachmann, who is fucking INSANE said they cause cancer or some shit like that? No Michele, these are the same florescent bulbs that were in your grandmother’s kitchen for EONS and NO ONE DIED FROM THEM!!! These are the same light bulbs only in a different shape – remember shapes Michele? You learned them in kindergarten. It was their bill and they couldn’t even pass it – proving all Repubs are not insane. Good God, WTF is wrong with these people? 🙄 ❗ 😯

    • …when little Michele had her first tea party, I wonder if she accidentally mixed LSD into the tea pitcher? 😈 That explains it….!

  9. Thanks for these excellent replies. I should be back to answering individual comments tomorrow.

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