Jul 122011

7/11 was lucky for me.  Any day I survive is a good day.  I got my errands run, and cleaned out my email, always a task.  Today, I find out if I get my teeth this week.  I’m doing laundry as I write, because if I don’t, I’ll be wearing dirty boxers tomorrow.  The multiple trips up and down the stairs to the washer and dryer always tire me out, so I’ll be in a foul mood soon.  I’m current with replies.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:54 (average 5:08).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Politico: There’s a strange disconnect about Tuesday’s Southern California special House election: Democrats are anxious about a potential upset, but Republicans don’t believe their candidate has much of a chance.

In case you forgot, here is the Republican attack ad.

Their racism and misogyny are showing.

From MSNBC: Some GREAT News

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

I will be supporting his campaign!

From UPI: Notorious anti-gay fundamentalists from Kansas say they will picket memorial services for former first lady Betty Ford and a U.S. soldier killed in Afghanistan.

Pastor Fred Phelps’ Westboro Baptist Church of Topeka said on its Web site it will picket services for Ford because she divorced her first husband, William Warren, before marrying President Gerald R. Ford, and openly discussed sexual issues, the Grand Rapids (Mich.) Press reported.

Is this a new low for Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christianity?




  11 Responses to “Open Thread–7/12/2011”

  1. 5:57 👿

  2. ….Cartoon scared me at first! Thought you were closed! 😈

  3. 6:42 Just awful!

    I hold little hope that Murdock will be investigated or prosecuted here in the States.

    I’m glad Grayson is running again. We need more like him in office.

  4. 4:50 Missed you by almost a minute. 🙁 I am 61 out of 193 (316).

  5. My air is out and it’s about 95 here. We had a mini hurricane here which knocked down a BUNCH of trees and with it, electrical lines. Otis had to go to Chicago (where he had just come from) to get a generator to keep the frigs/freezers cold. All the food stores were closed along with all the gas stations within 30 miles and of course, my car was empty. I’m talking tablespoon empty. Monday night Otis had to put together the generator and we used every extension cord in the house and bought 6 more. By this morning, I had the computers, wireless and internet working and about 15 fans going. All the roads were blocked and I had to drive on the sidewalk to avoid downed power lines to get my son to camp. They were inside all day with no air and it was blazing hot. He was not a happy camper when I picked him up. All in all, a very shitty day.

  6. Either way, I hope the dem wins and the Repub gets dusted.

  7. As always I agree with Alan Grayson – he’s the only good strong voice (besides Bernie Sanders) that we have. I’m sooo glad he’s running again and with SS and medicare on the table, should easily win in Florida. He’s the only Dem we have with a spine and I do mean only.

  8. She talked about breast cancer you idiots, not ‘sexual issues’. Breasts are something that every woman have (or had) and one of the things that make us female. Can’t we banish these people to Uranus? 🙄 And leave the poor dead soldiers alone – they made the ultimate sacrifice for our country. Assholes.

  9. Anyone that lives in MN has got to be seriously pissed off. How much longer can this goes on? Will fire and policemen/women not have to do their jobs without pay? This governor is as bad or worse than the last one.

  10. I apologize that I do not have the time to answer comments individually today.

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