Jul 122011

As Rick Perry moves toward what appears to be a run for the Presidency, he is milking his planned prayer meeting for all the free publicity he can get.  To help him in this endeavor, he has assembled a premier collection of Republican favorites, the most heinous hate mongers the gospel of Republican Supply-side Jesus (NOT the real Jesus) has to offer.

12PerryHatInspired by the massive amount of video and other materials we are turning up in examining the extremists with whom Gov. Rick Perry is partnering with in promoting his upcoming "The Response" prayer rally, we decided to put together a little video to highlight just who these people are.

The video consists of the invitation Gov. Perry recorded asking people to attend his rally interspersed with footage of event endorsers, organizers, and sponsors – including Bryan Fischer saying gays should be banned from public office, Cindy Jacobs saying God was going to move unrighteous leaders out of government, Mike Bickle saying Oprah is a forerunner to the Antichrist, Jim Garlow saying the gay rights movement is driven by an "Antichrist spirit," John Hagee saying God sent Hitler as a hunter to force the Jews to move to Israel, David Barton saying God is not going to tolerate those who don’t vote against issues like gay marriage or abortion, Stephen Broden saying the use of violence must always remain on the table, and finally Fischer again saying liberals hate God…

Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>

Here’s the video.

These are the people Perry and the Republican Party honor as their spiritual advisors.  Could anything be more anti-American or anti-Christian?


  12 Responses to “Meet the Haters Republicans Love”

  1. This fool can whip himself bloody in a sign of atonement for his sins and his paid hirelings who will dance ona stage in front of a hundred thousand cinservatives is no closer to the ear of the spirit of the creator than any crack head. I guess they never read the part that says “…for God is not a respecter of persons…” I hope it’s not an open air stadium you know this is tornado and soft ball size hail season in that part of the country.

  2. Perry and his type are reckless, irresponsible charlatans masquerading as Christians, but they are actually devils.

    • Every one of these mega churches should be made into mental asylums to “heal” these people.

  3. Each one is worse than the one before. What the hell are they drinking?

    any radicalism is dangerous.

  4. Right Wing Watch has done an excellent job of reminding the public just WHAT these speakers stand for. These fundamentalists have alarming ideas, and the public needs to know.

  5. Talibangelical christianists are very, VERY scary people … not sure why they HATE America, but they sure as hell do!

  6. Love the “talibangelical” reference! WTF! So it’s Bachmann, Perry, and Santorum – oh my! I suppose “god” is the man behind the curtain (sorry Tom, I know you’re a believer, but I can’t help myself) sure hope my atheism doesn’t end up putting me on the hot seat beside those critters aforementioned at the empty banquet in the “pit of hell”!

    • You won’t go to hell for being an atheist – these are the people that are going to hell after a lecture from Jesus saying “I didn’t mean it that way and you twisted my words for your own selfish gains! On the down elevator for you!”

  7. I have said before and I will say again : Evil done in God’s name is still Evil ; These are Evil people –

  8. Religion has killed more people than all the wars combined. It’s a big dick syndrome – my God is better than your God. If we were created in his image, then he seriously fucked up a bunch of us – the Christofascits.

  9. I apologize that I do not have the time to answer comments individually today. Thank you all.

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