Jul 112011

Since yesterday was a slow day for news I decided to share this online test from the Intercollegiate Studies Institute (ISI) with you.  It is quite challenging.  If you score 50% you’re slightly above average for US citizens, and well above the average of US politicians.  Although they are β€œnon-partisan”, their outlook and most of their leadership appear quite conservative, lest any accuse that the test is liberally biased.  Enjoy giving it a try.

11isi_logoFull Civic Literacy Exam (from our 2008 survey)

Are you more knowledgeable than the average citizen? The average score for all 2,508 Americans taking the following test was 49%; college educators scored 55%. Can you do better? Questions were drawn from past ISI surveys, as well as other nationally recognized exams.

Inserted from <ISI>

Click here to take the test.

How did you do?  Here are my results.

    • You answered 33 out of 33 correctly β€” 100.00 %
      If you have any comments or questions about the quiz, please email americancivicliteracy@isi.org.
      You can consult the following
      to see how citizens and elected officials scored on each question.

I guess all those hours of research paid off.  The table is particularly interesting.


  18 Responses to “Test Your Knowledge: Civic Literacy Exam”

  1. 69.7% But, I still don’t feel good about it. Some of the missed questions, I have issue with! πŸ‘Ώ

  2. Ta-daaaaa! I made 82% (with no college degree; I just read a lot).

  3. Man, I just got 69.70% also Memphis Johnny. Any possible explanations other than I once said great minds think alike, but that was to another of Toms friends…and your right. I was.afraid I had “flunked”, but was pretty jazzed to see my score. Now thats wearing off quickly and I know I should probably be embarrassed by it. Some third world kid probably could have done better. bummer.

    • Thank you, pard’ner! (Ellen) You kinda make me feel better, sorta…. 😳 and I suck at puzzle solving, too! 😑

  4. 96.97% … and I’m still going with Puritans believing in religious freedom!

    • Nameless, this was a best answer over good answer. Puritans claimed to believe in religious freedom, but their notion of freedom was the freedom to impose their own religious dogma, while their belief in sinfulness of all mankind was indisputable.

  5. “You answered 27 out of 33 correctly β€” 81.82 %”

    Not perfect but I’d still get to vote in most states.

  6. Sigh, 93%. I missed 2. Got to say, though, a few of those questions were just a bit ambiguous.

  7. You answered 24 out of 33 correctly β€” 72.73 %

  8. You answered 25 out of 33 correctly β€” 75.76 %

  9. I got 31 of 33 correct for 93.94% accuracy—if most people only get 49% and college educators only average 55%, that explains why there are so many dumb Republucans walking around, and why this country is in so much trouble!

  10. @ Memphis Johnny..looks like we neeed summer school!

    • Check!….on summer school…I think Pepperdine has a class on surfing! 😈

  11. 93.94 %– My son got 100%-

  12. Same as Dana and I dropped out of High School, but did get a GED in Illinois with a score of 281 and whatever was passing on the State Constitution Test. πŸ™‚ πŸ™‚

  13. If I answered every comment, as I usually do, I would be repeating myself over and over again.

    You all did very well and should be proud of your scores. You all did MUCH better than people who TEACH college.

    The point is this. To our national shame, Americans are ignorant of the history and working of our government. You, my activist friends, and others like you are the only ones qualified to inform the rest of the public. We have a job to do.

    • One problem…..the public I come in contact with, seem deaf or something! πŸ‘Ώ

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