Jul 072011

Today, Barack Obama meets with the leadership of both parties in an attempt to craft a budget deal.  I hope I am not unique in my failure to decide what will come out of that meeting and react in advance.  If Obama does cave-in, there will be ample opportunity to criticize him for doing so afterward.  He’s keeping his cards close to the vest.  On the other hand, Republicans appear intransigent in their class warfare against America.

7CantorAs President Barack Obama and lawmakers rush to craft a budget deal to keep the United States from possibly defaulting on debt or shutting major government services, Republicans on Wednesday signaled a willingness to go along with revenue increases.

One day before a crucial U.S. budget meeting between the White House and congressional leaders, House of Representatives Majority Leader Eric Cantor floated a possible tax compromise, saying Republicans could agree to closing some tax breaks in a budget deal as long as they were offset with tax cuts elsewhere.

"Any discussion about loopholes must be accompanied by offsetting tax cuts," Cantor said at a news conference.

His comments marked a shift from his party’s previous insistence that revenue increases cannot be part of the deal — a stance that has been undermined by Senate Republicans’ recent vote to end a tax break for ethanol producers… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Reuters>

Reuters got this wrong.  When willingness to go along with revenue increases demands that every such increase be accompanied by an offsetting tax cut, there is zero real revenue increase.  This is no change at all.

Rachel Maddow discusses austerity and what America wants.  Then she interviews Senator Chuck Schumer.

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I hope I do not see people denouncing what Schumer said, because he is too friendly with banksters and too sold out to AIPAC.  I agree with those criticisms, but on this, he’s right.  I detest Ron Paul’s views on most topics, but he’s right about Afghanistan.  Schumer is right about this.  Being wrong in on other things does not change that.

Obama needs to stand strong.  America supports the Democratic position and opposes the Republican, as the video clearly proves.

Now you can sit on your hands and whine, or you can pick up your phone and tell the White House what you want.  (202) 456-1414.  You know what to do.


  18 Responses to “Action Alert: On the Morn of the Summit”

  1. These damned Republicans aren’t going to be happy in just driving us up to the economical ledge; they want to drive us off of it. They need to stop all this insane talk about tax “increases” and get REAL. Simply RESTORING the far more fair tax rates we had 10 years ago does NOT constitute a “tax INCREASE”; it is just a RESTORATION. Sorry, you rich bastards: your tax “sale” has gone on long enough! You are bankrupting the country, and now the “store” needs to return to its original price or go out of business. The language used by Cantor, Boehner, McConnell, and all the rest of these GOP yahoos is deceptive and a big, typical LIE. They should ALL be arrested and detained on grounds of economic sabotage!

  2. Thanks for posting this Tom. I missed Rachel last night.
    Chuck Schumer is absolutely right. Cantor & Boehner have their heads up their asses.

  3. Cantor is probably the most despicable asshole in the GOP. I have yet to decide it Boner is wishy-washy, a wimp, an alcoholic weakling, or someone smart and canny enough to let Cantor do the heavy lifting. But as I say the only good Republican is one that is in the ground – preferably with a stake through his heart.

  4. Yes Tom you’re right on all counts here – including Ron Paul
    I’m as angry as you when it comes to holding America hostage – I saw Rachel last night – I’m still curious how these repugs think they are representing their constituents – yeah sure – those who are making a minimum of Mega-Bucks – the rest can go to hell – why don’t their “sheep” speak up?

    • Republican constituents are the super rick, corporate criminals, supply-side pseudo Christians, racists, and wing-nuts.

  5. Looks to me — us constituents are speaking up– Look at those poll numbers- !! We are being ignored . Canter and Boner are sociopathic– as evidenced by their words and actions–
    Restoring tax rates cut ‘temporarily’ is not raising taxes-

    These Repigs are ignoring what people are saying—–what else can be said or done- ?/
    President Obama must start taking a stand– he is President– gor God’s sake !!


    • Welcome Joyce. 🙂

      I agree with your sentiment, but treason may not be charge absent a declaration of war per the US Constitution. That makes him a money-driven seditionist.

  7. Revenue neutral isn’t going to do the job, but I suppose that’s what we will get.

  8. We can’t have a revenue increase with an offsetting tax cut – that’s a 0 revenue increase. I’ve said this a million times – we NEED a revenue increase – this is not a spending problem – it’s a revenue problem. Why can’t the Repubs add? Cantor and Boner are both idiots – we’ve all known this for a long time, but not being able to add is a serial offense for them and they should go back to grade school – not to Congress. 🙄

  9. I have paid into social security for over 49 years,depending on it for my retiremen security.It is no more a charity than others401K.I get disturbed when these Rep.Conservitives imply that social security is a charity that the Gov can no longer afford.There is enough money in the reserve to pay social security for many years,it is not our problem but the Gov’s that they put these funds in the general budget and spent the money on other things.
    If the Democrats(my party)accept S.S funds to balance the budget there will be no more Dem party.If the democratic party acts like Republicans we might as well have Republicans in office

    • Welcome Edward. 🙂

      Your point is well taken. Republicans want to take away the benefits you spent a lifetime BUYING!

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