Romney: Leading and Lying

 Posted by at 3:21 am  Politics
Jul 022011

A the race for a Republican to be the next presidential candidate begins to take shape, Mitt Romney, former Governor of Massachusetts, and dog abuser, has taken a lead in the polls and a substantial lead in fundraising.  Despite problems with the more rabid elements of the Republican Party (the base), Republicans have a history of nominating the next in line, so we need to take him seriously.  Fortunately, Romney shares one commonality with the rest of the Republican field.  He is a liar.  He is not fit to be President. Seamus knows!

RomneyDogRepublican presidential candidates are giving out the first hints of their second-quarter fundraising, with total tallies lower than they were in the presidential contest four years ago.

Officials with former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney’s campaign said Friday that he raised less than $20 million.

Former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty’s campaign said he raised $4.2 million in the recent quarter. Texas Rep. Ron Paul raised more than $4.5 million. Jon Huntsman, a former Utah governor and ambassador to China, raised $4.1 million with “less than half” coming from his personal funds, an official with his campaign said…

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Rachel Maddow Exposed Romney as the Republican liar he is.

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How about that!  First he lied, then he lied about lying!  That makes him a true Republican.


  8 Responses to “Romney: Leading and Lying”

  1. Mitt needs to get in touch with his “inner-crazy” like Michelle Bachmann has, if he expects to do any good. His kind of Ly’n ain’t work’n! 😈

  2. Liar Liar Pants are on Fire : Or maybe , being kind–He has memory problems ? Early dementia ?

  3. Romney and Pawlenty would be an ideal ticket: both are complete liars, and both would say or do anything to get a vote. They ought to be running as prostitutes. No wonder even Republicans can’t stand them!

  4. All Repubs lie – until you show them the tape.

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