Jun 292011


Congrats to Jerry Critter for posting the 19,500th comment here at Politics Plus.  This is his third award.  Jerry still visits daily, because he remains addicted to the Jig Zone Puzzles in our Open Thread.  We have even more evidence than before that he mutters β€œMy Precious”, while doing them.  He remains one of our most prolific commentators, and writes an excellent blog of his own.  You can find him at Critter’s Crap.

Starting with the next award, we will be changing the BIG Mouth award to even thousands, and starting a new sidebar list.


  8 Responses to “Jerry Critter Has a BIG Mouth! ;-)”

  1. Damn I knew I should have posted yesterday instead of just read…I am getting too pissed off at all of them (Except Sanders) to say much except on my own blog. I hope Jerry’s comment reflected that sensibility of politics I am losing quicker than a republican with diarrhea!

  2. Congrats Jerry!

  3. Thanks, TomCat, but I am not sure I really deserve the award. The truth be told, I don’t think my jigsaw comments should really count toward the award…not that I am going to turn it down, however. πŸ˜€

  4. Congratulations! Like your blog, too! 😈

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