Jun 272011

Often I wonder about the debate on whether to call the environmental degradation, caused by human introduction of greenhouse gasses, global warming or global climate change.  The climate is clearly changing with violent weather becoming more and more common.  But it is also getting warmer overall.  Of course Republicans deny this.  They say that it is a myth perpetrated by the “Democrat” Party, librul skience.  But no matter how much they spew their lies to benefit criminal corporate polluters, nature knows what Republicans deny.


Warming ocean waters are causing the largest movement of marine species seen on Earth in more than two million years, according to scientists.

The discovery has sparked fears delicate marine food webs could be unbalanced and lead to some species becoming extinct as competition for food between the native species and the invaders stretches resources.

Rising ocean temperatures are also allowing species normally found in warmer sub-tropical regions to into the northeast Atlantic.

A venomous warm-water species Pelagia noctiluca has forced the closure of beaches and is now becoming increasingly common in the waters around Britain.

The highly venomous Portuguese Man-of-War, which is normally found in subtropical waters, is also regularly been found in the northern Atlantic waters.

A form of algae known as dinoflagellates has also been found to be moving eastwards across the Atlantic towards Scandinavia and the North Sea.

Huge blooms of these marine plants use up the oxygen in the water and can produce toxic compounds that make shellfish poisonous… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Common Dreams>

This is just a taste.  Click through for the rest.

When I was a kid in school, I learned about the many unsuccessful attempts by explorers to find a “northwest passage” from the Atlantic to the Pacific.  That passage now exists, because we made it.  Sadly too few care about saving the earth, but self interest dictates that we abandon the practices that threaten the existence of our children and grandchildren.  While Republicans remain in power, they will block all attempts to change.


  16 Responses to “Nature Knows What Republicans Deny”

  1. That Northwest passage opened up three or four years ago. Did anyone pay attention then? Does anyone pay attention to the invasive species that are now roaming the great lakes and killing off the habitat for the native born species? No.

    No one pays attention except them directly affected, sports fishermen and business concerns that now 9 months a year can move more product faster across the globe.

    Republicans say for example Zebra Mussels in the Great Lakes are good because they filter pollutants out of the water and clean it, which is true but they stop there and don’t say that the game fish and other native fish need less than clear water to thrive. Lamprey eels have long been a problem in the lakes did the federal government do anything? No. Now we had the chance to stop Asian carp from getting into the lakes but the Obama administration refused to close the doors (yes there are doors) because it would have forced traffic flows on the Mississippi and through the lakes to change in ways that didn’t help business.

    We are committing mass suicide and no one even realizes the extent of it yet except the very few who pay attention. The wake up will come when the polar cap is gone entirely and they have to up the number of classification of hurricanes and tornadoes from a max of 5 to 10. Then it will be to late. Much to late.

    • Bring them damn Republicans down here to Memphis and I’ll put them on water skiis behind my boat and let ’em see how they like getting hit by giant, slimy fish, flying up outta the water at ’em! 😈 (Asian Carp)

    • Actually, Mark, I did several posts on it back them. I remember discussing how the US, Canada and Russia were squabbling about mineral rights.

  2. They just don’t care! It’s inconvenient to their pocketbooks to make changes. Their corporate masters don’t want regulations to cut into their profits.

  3. Wasn’t that what Sarah Palin’s “Bus To Nowhere” was about? (educkat’n us lberals) How’s that work’n out? 😈

  4. There can be no more denying global warming. Se have met the enemy, and he is US.

  5. Not only does nature understand that climate change is real — the inhabitants of northern regions understand it all too well. Traditional practices such as fishing, whaling, and foraging have been impacted by rising temperatures and melting ice, which will have an enormous impact on said cultures. Tell THEM that global warming is so-called propaganda!

  6. The Republicans have an agenda, keep the sheep ignorant enough to swallow their lies and line their pockets. Power and greed uber alles!

  7. Money closes many eyes—- We are at a point of no return I think–

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