Afghanistan: Just Say No

 Posted by at 1:41 am  Politics
Jun 232011

Like many of you, I watched Obama’s speech on Afghanistan last night, and like many I was very disappointed in what he had to say.  I have the complete video and a link to the text below, for those who missed it, but the bottom line is this.  Obama plans to withdraw only the additional troops he added in the most recent surge.  That will leave 66,000 troops in Afghanistan at the end of next year, near double the number of troops there when he took office.  His later plans are too nebulous to understand, let alone describe.  Furthermore, Obama plans to continue a COIN (counter insurrection) strategy.  For a COIN strategy to succeed, we need a local government in place that can win the loyalty of the people.  Karzai guarantees failure.  A counter terrorism strategy takes far fewer troops and would be far more effective at protecting the US.  Obama is wrong.  We need to withdraw and pursue a counter terrorism strategy while doing do.

Here is the complete video.

For the text version, click here.

Republicans reactions varied.

President Obama’s announcement tonight of a drawdown in U.S. surge forces from Afghanistan met with the dismissal and skepticism that one would expect from Republicans.

However, there is a split in the reaction: some Republicans are toting the hawkish line of following the wishes of the military and to continue to put forward a strong national defense. Others suggest the war should be ended sooner to save the hundreds of billions of dollars the government spends in Afghanistan yearly.

Even the candidates running to replace President Obama are somewhat split. They are all trying to appeal to GOP voters who oppose the president, but also to the many Americans who oppose the continued war effort in Afghanistan as well as those who want government spending reduced at all costs. The reactions of three of the leading Republicans show a wide range in the reaction among the president’s opponents… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <CBS>

Ed Schultz shared my discontent, along with Rachel Maddow, and even Chris Matthews.

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At this point, I would support a move in Congress to limit funding for the war to hasten the withdrawal.

Now, when Obama is wrong, I say so.  I won’t distort my writing to play politics.  That said, the notion of any of the available Republicans in the White House leaves me so fearful for the survival of our nation that, assuming Obama wins the Democratic nomination, the alternative to supporting him, with all is faults, is to court disaster of the highest magnitude.


  8 Responses to “Afghanistan: Just Say No”

  1. Let’s just admit it he is the best centrist Republican the Democratic party ever elected. Every dime we borrow to continue these unfunded wars puts us an hour further behind on “Nation building in this country.”

    The Afghans have been at war for 2000 years continuous. Nothing will change if we stay or go so someone should read the law professor the lessons from Afghan history. The only thing I wanted to hear was we’ll be picking up the 50,000 troops in Iraq on way out next week.

  2. I was sorely disappointed in him for caving to the Pentagon. This should jjust end!

  3. Let’s face it – I haven’t seen such a line of BS since the twig took the air!!! Sorry, I too know that pols can spin a fine bunch – I really expected O to do us a bit more “proud”!!! I was really really really pissed off!! What made it worse is that I felt he took his supporters as uninformed – all of the GOP crap said about him seemed true last night. Oh – I’ll “get over it!”, but COME ON!!!!!! (I’m over-emphasizing) I support O, I hate it when he becomes the corporate whore and the dem-hawk – some of it – I understand, but what happened to the guy who was opposed (as I was) to the war in Iraq – what exactly is his policy in the Middle East? Why isn’t gitmo shut down? Why is O kissing Wall St’s butt? What’s up with the EPA? Where is an Infra-structure policy design to implement this year? (I know that the GOP will obstruct it) but where is the plan?!
    I really didn’t expect to feel at this point that I’m voting for the “only” alternative.
    Thanks Tom – sorry for my rant! 😑

  4. Lee – you are 1000% right. This smells of and is bullshit. I expected better of Obama, and I didn’t get it – was IS our point to being there until 2014? Remember, we still have 50K in troops in Iraq doing “training” – if they haven’t gotten it down by now, they aint gonna get it. We have WAY better ways of spending our money – bring them all home now and let the CIA take out Karzai. I’m done with this BS. 😑 😑 😑

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