Jun 152011

It’s the JOBS, stupid!  Republicans won their spectacular success in last year’s elections by promising jobs, jobs, jobs.  Since they took control of the House, they have focused on everything but jobs, offering only the policies that caused the Republican recession that cost the jobs of so many.  Fighting this Machiavellian Republican agenda has dominated Congress and therefore, media.  Finally someone is taking the lead on jobs.  The Democrats in the Congressional Progressive Caucus are going on tour to talk about jobs.  It’s the JOBS, stupid!

15tourRepublicans have pulled off a neat trick since taking over the House back in January — they’ve repeatedly attacked President Obama on the languishing job market while shifting government focus away from job creation and toward the deficit and debt.

Now, the House Progressive Caucus is planning to turn the government’s attention back toward eliminating unemployment. Starting Wednesday, caucus members will fan out across the country on a summer tour that will attempt to push the focus away from spending reduction and toward using government resources to create jobs.

"The media and the right wing and, of course, some Democrats have been talking about intangibles like the debt ceiling or the job picture," Congressional Progressive Caucus co-chair Raul Grijalva (D-AZ) told TPM in an interview previewing the announcement. "We wanted to do a tour that really talks about what matters to people."

To Grijalva and the CPC that means discussing a government that makes "a commitment to the middle class" and pushes for an economic package that focuses on middle and working class people — "not just the wealthy and not just the CEOs," Grijalva said.

Earlier this year, the CPC put forward their own federal budget proposal that raises taxes on the rich and corporations (as well as ends the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan) and plows the increased revenues into new education, health care and other middle class-focused domestic spending… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Common Dreams>

Here’s their video.

Click here for more information about the Speakout Tour.


  6 Responses to “Progressive Democrats Going on Tour”

  1. Detroit! June 27 come on fella’s we have ideas.

  2. Good for them. I doubt that they’ll get any coverage in the MSM, though. Am sharing.

    • As the tour passes through our home states, we should be calling the local networks and asking what coverage they plan. If none, ask why not? Shame them.

  3. That’s a great idea but how come Chicago is not on that list as well as more southern cities (you know, the red states) because that where we need it. Also, I have heard NOTHING about the “People’s Budget” in either the MSM or on MSNBC. They should be taking that message with them. And passing out copies of the “People’s Budget while they are on tour. I’ll even volunteer to help pass out the “People’s Budget” in the Southern states so they can see what they are missing out on since they only watch Faux news down there. The People’s Budget is nothing they have seen or heard of and includes a plan on getting this country back to work and taxing the rich and corporations and their various subsidies (including Michele Bachmann’s $275K ag subsidy and the oil companies rape of tax subsidies. We have a revenue shortages and well as a spending problem. Why don’t the Senator’s and Rep’s stand up and reduce their salaries, staff and travel budgets first to set a good example of wasteful spending? 🙄

    • Sorry about Chicago, Lisa. Portland is the only city on the tour that’s solid Democratic. We ale almost always bypassed because of it.

      On MSNBC, Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz and Cenk Uygur have all covered it.

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