The "Liberal Media" Isn’t

 Posted by at 1:31 am  Politics
Jun 132011

Republicans love to complain about that liberal media bias that keeps Republicans from getting a fair break, they say.  The tweeting twit likes to call it the “Lame Stream Media”.  Unless you just crawled out from under a rock, you should realize that the “liberal media” isn’t.  Republicans dominate the Sunday morning talk shows, and most of the rare Democrats that do appear are DINOs.  The occasional real Democrats are often pummeled by their hosts.  For example here’s how ABC hosts and Senator Shelby (R-AL) ganged up on Robert Reich.

13liberal-mediabiasIt’s bad enough that the weekly Sunday political talk shows are dominated by Republicans and Blue Dog Democrats week after week, but we also get treated to the "reporters" on those shows spouting Republican talking points as well, as ABC’s Jonathan Karl does here.

The entire segment was a mess with Christiane Amanpour cutting off Reich in the middle of trying to make some of his points on the need for more government spending to get our economy moving again and in the segment above, Karl scoffs at the notion there’s any more that the government can do to stimulate the economy… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s the video.

Most mainstream TV is infotainment at best and infoganda in average.  On the left, we have Rachel Maddow, Ed Schultz, Lawrence O’Donnell, and occasionally Cenk Uygur.  In a week, we get Keith Olbermann back.  That’s all.


  14 Responses to “The "Liberal Media" Isn’t”

  1. I remember all the way back to the middle 1900’s when the Republicans “weren’t doing so good”. They were trying to re-invent the word “liberal” back then. Now, that they (conservatives) pretty much own and control all the media, it’s amusing to me they still even use that argument.

    • They figure that argument will help keep it that way.

    • Back when I was still a conservative, the media did appear to be liberal. Were the conservative such liars back then, as they are today?

      • Welcome Georgiann! 🙂

        If you’re referring to the 1960s and 1970s, it certainly was more so than it is today, depending on where you lived. In the interim over 95% of all for profit news media has been concentrated in the hands of half a dozen huge corporations, whose oen corporate agenda is conservative.

  2. Two Points
    [1] The Myth of the “Liberal Media” has been debunked:

    The results show that in paper after paper, state after state, and region after region, conservative syndicated columnists get more space than their progressive counterparts.
    Sixty percent of the nation’s daily newspapers print more conservative syndicated columnists every week than progressive syndicated columnists. Only 20 percent run more progressives than conservatives, while the remaining 20 percent are evenly balanced.

    The Center for Media and Public Affairs at George Mason University [Note: And GMU gets MAJOR funding from the Koch brothers – so an even more amazing finding], where researchers have tracked network news content for two decades, found that ABC, NBC and CBS were tougher on Obama than on Republican John McCain.

    Jon Karl has a long and well-documented history of Repubican sycophancy. After all, he’s the author of “The Right to Bear Arms” an “investigative report” that amazingly found that the militia movement are not hate groups. Yeah, right … Karl just luvs him some right-wing militias.

  3. How can the mainstream media be liberal when virtually all of it is owned and run by huge corporations and/or wealthy individuals? That’s like saying Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Food Stamps, Education, etc. are conservative programs that the liberals are always fighting against and trying to get rid of.

  4. 3 Repubs plus the monitor Christine against one Dem (Robert Reich), yeah that sounds about right. Does anyone have Dems on their Sunday shows at all? That would be a no.

  5. Really points up the need not only to be aware and keep informed ourselves , but to keep others informed as well—Fox”News” is pure propaganda—its fun to point this out to others —

  6. If only the Democrats owned all the oil – then the dems would control the networks, and the results would be the same! It’s time to boycott some of those programs that are run by the oil corps – even Meet the Press – is catering to the frackers!
    An unbiased media is difficult to maintain or find!

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