Coultergeist Haunts Again

 Posted by at 2:03 am  Politics
Jun 112011

She’s (It’s?) BAAAA-AAACK!  The Queen of Mean seems bent on pursuing the relevance she never gained before, making claims so ludicrous they might even tax the credulity of Faux Noise sheeple.  This time, she seems to think that the Founding Fathers frequented Starbucks stores.


Oh goodie. It looks like Ann Coulter has got another book to sell attacking liberals and of course Sean Hannity was happy to have her on the air to give us some Palin-esque history lessons. And to add insult to injury during this segment, Hannity pretends that MSNBC flack that could easily have a desk over at Fox with her usual water carrying for conservatives, Chris Jansing, is somehow a "liberal" because she said something true about Republicans.

It’s too bad Hannity didn’t bother to ask Coulter just how many Starbucks the "Founding Fathers" visited on a regular basis, but instead, he just let this gaffe go… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s the video.

Of course, her entire claim is patently false.  Admittedly, there have been calls for violence on the left, but they come from the extreme nut-job fringe, who nobody takes seriously.  On the right, they come from the base, including sitting members of federal and state legislatures and their aids.  Of Late, virtually every act of political violence that has taken place has been perpetrated by a right winger.


  14 Responses to “Coultergeist Haunts Again”

  1. “Demonic” would be a very appropriate title for an autobiography of her.

  2. At least the title of her book is correct (that’s about the only thing she’s gotten right in the last 20 years) – she’s DEMONIC. Every word that comes out of that bitch’s mouth is a lie. She’s even worse that Limbaugh. Oh, and Starbucks was around when the founding fathers were here – everyone knows that! πŸ™„

  3. Coulter AND Hannity are both the real demons, lying and twisting everything constantly (“the liberals screwed up this economy”), and both can go to hell together forever.

  4. Coulter is PURE evil.

  5. The Wicked Witch of the Right ; (with apologies to witches)

  6. Sorry I reserve the C word for coulter – it’s a four letter word that describes a pussy (cat?) – whe doesn’t deserve the word that describes a female dog – that’s too good for her! It’s scary to think she’s also the mother of 50 (am I exaggerating?) children – who will either end up becoming a new generation of teabaggers – or mass murderers!

  7. She’s hot! (but, not in a good way)

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