Patty Has a BIG Mouth! ;-)

 Posted by at 12:12 am  Blog News
Jun 102011


Congrats to Patty for posting the 18,500th comment here at Politics Plus.  Patty is a newcomer here.  She comes to us from Care2, an activist networking site.  Once she arrived, she has jumped into our family with both feet ever since, except for a brief respite for computer downtime, and has become a most welcome addition.  She does not write a blog, but here’s a link to Patty’s Care2 profile.


  12 Responses to “Patty Has a BIG Mouth! ;-)”

  1. Thanks TomCat. The nuns told my mother that when I was in grammar school. I guess it still holds true.

  2. Congratulations Patty. Playing the puzzle makes you a winner.

  3. Congrats Patty!

  4. Sorry for your loss of your cat, I love cats also my cats are Jedi and Fawn. Thanks for all you do so much good work.

  5. That’s a Momentious Milestone! Congradulations! Sarah Palin couldn’t be here, but said to pass that on! (that’s how it read)

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