About That Weiner

 Posted by at 1:54 am  Politics
Jun 072011

Like many, I was greatly upset, profoundly disappointed and genuinely angry to learn that Anthony Weiner (D-NY) not only admitted to Sexting, but also, has spent the last week lying about it.  In so doing, he has done the progressive cause irreparable damage by depriving himself, one of our most effective spokespeople, of credibility.  I’ve given considerable thought to how he should proceed, so here is a summary, his apology, and my take on where to go from here.

7weinerCaught in a maelstrom of his own making, Representative Anthony D. Weiner saw his support on Capitol Hill crumble on Monday. A brash and talented New York politician with many admirers on the left, but few close allies, he suddenly found himself alone on a hostile stage.

No sooner had Mr. Weiner delivered a startlingly abject admission and apology — carried live on television from a circuslike news conference in Manhattan — than top Democrats on Capitol Hill began distancing themselves from him and his behavior.

Several, including Representative Nancy Pelosi of California, the House minority leader, called for an ethics inquiry into whether Mr. Weiner had violated House rules or used official resources to carry on his salacious electronic conversations.

Representative Steve Israel of Nassau County, the leader of the party’s effort to recapture a majority in Congress, said Mr. Weiner had “embarrassed himself, his family and the House.”

Others said it would be impossible to support Mr. Weiner given the outrageous things he had admitted, the likelihood that Republicans would make a target of anyone who came to his defense, and the possibility that some of the women he had contacted were minors.

Then there was the fact that his confession had occurred, in the words of one top Democratic Congressional official, a week too late. “It’s hard to trust in an individual who already lied,” said the official, who like others interviewed insisted on anonymity because of the sensitivities surrounding the matter.

As Democratic leaders sought to apply a tourniquet to Mr. Weiner, Republicans sought to use the spectacle he had created against Democrats in general, and in particular against Ms. Pelosi, who once pledged to “drain the swamp” of corruption involving Republicans in Congress.

The National Republican Congressional Committee [Republicans delinked] distributed a memo to reporters with a series of quotes from top Democrats in which they gave Mr. Weiner the benefit of the doubt when the scandal first erupted a week ago.

A spokesman for the committee, Paul Lindsay, said, “It’s time for Democratic leadership to explain why Congressman Weiner’s actions never aroused any suspicion, and why they rushed to his defense while so many Americans were shocked and confused by his bizarre and disturbing behavior.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

The reason Democrats were inclined to dismiss the allegations against Weiner is quite simple.  Andrew Breitbart was in the middle of the story, and he is notorious for doctoring evidence to make false charges, such as the bogus ACORN scandal and totally unjust firing of Shirley Sherrod.  Compared to Breitbart, even Faux Noise is credible.

Here is Weiner’s apology and interview, in case you have not seen it.


His apology would be more meaningful had it come before he was already busted.  That said, we can’t put toothpaste back into the tube, so now what?

First, what Republicans have to say is without merit.  Many of them have done far worse.    Speaker John Boehner and others in the Republican leadership actually helped to cover up Mark Foley’s seductive emails to underage male pages, so they have no room to talk.  Furthermore, unlike so many scandalized Republicans, Weiner never presented himself as a righteous paragon of moral virtue.

I do not think Weiner should resign, unless there is more to this scandal than he has admitted.  I do favor a formal ethics investigation.  If such an investigation reveals that he used a government computer for this “personal business”, a censure might be in order, but no more.  From a House rules perspective it’s no different from Representatives using their work computers to pay bills.

Now, sexting is a practice in which millions of Americans foolishly engage, and it is no crime.  However Weiner is a married man, making this a severe betrayal of trust.  In his favor, I must say that at least he didn’t drag his wife to the podium with him, to stand there like a deer in the headlights.  However, his behavior does reveal that he has issues in the areas of empathy, intimacy and trust.  He should participate in therapy to resolve the underlying problems that led to his inappropriate behavior.  Otherwise, they will surface again in a self-destructive way.

In the end, assuming that no legal or ethical violations are discovered, the people with the right to decide whether or not Weiner should keep his seat are the people of his district.


  30 Responses to “About That Weiner”

  1. Tom I actually like the guy and his bombast in congress and his TV whoredome to make him more electable as mayor of NYC and if I was in his district I would vote for him in spite of this. But he has proven himself to be just another one who gets an erection because he has some kind of power, nothing to worry about because he is fed, clothed and housed. Sorry but his fall from grace is just as egregious as the rest of them who have whored themselves out to political power and fame.

    • Mark, I’m not trying to downplay what he did. I’m just saying Republicans who did it to a far greater degree have gone through far less.

  2. Tom, I agree with everything you have said, including the investigation. From what he has said, he’s done nothing illegal, just shameful. Dammit, Weiner, I liked you and answered all you emails for a call to action! How could you do something so stupid and lie about it? That’s what the Repubs do! 😕

    OTOH, I think his apology was sincere and he apologized to all the right people – his family, the woman he sent the text to and his staff. He was crying and deeply remorseful. 🙁

  3. At least his apology was sincere, unlike others who put on a false face.
    I would still vote for him if I was in his district.

  4. Frankly, no big deal. Think Newt Gingrich, David Vitter, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Mark Sanford, John Ensign and his bagman Tom Coburn (and why hasn’t Tom been slapped around a bit for his helping with the coverup), Governor Arnold, good ol’ boy Henry Hyde who didn’t have an affair but just had a youthful indiscretion…. and the list goes on. Did he lie? Of course, so did they all. Was anyone hurt? No. Time to move on.

    • Charles, I agree, except for one thing. His family was hurt, and all of us who depended on his clear voice in support of our views were hurt.

  5. Even before this, Anthony Weiner’s District (NY-9) was close to the top of the list for removal. New York will lose two congressional districts, and the 9th will now probably be one of them. (For better or worse, newly-elected Kathy Hochul’s 26th is also likely to be on the chopping block.)

    But I don’t think Weiner should resign. I gotta go with Andrew Sullivan on this:

    “Were You Fully Erect?”

    That was the last question I heard shouted by the press over the media din as Anthony Weiner copped to, er, sextweeting? The country is facing potential default, the leader of the GOP is a delusional maniac, the Middle East remains on a knife edge … and the question in the headline above is still ringing in my ears.

    Weiner has not resigned and, frankly, I see little reason why he should. No one, so far as I can tell, was harrassed, no one was abused, no actual sex even took place at all. I’m not sure one can even find any hypocrisy here. Moreover, if online flirting is unforgivable, why isn’t off-line flirting unforgivable? And what really is the difference? Apart from pictures that can be used to humiliate – and even blackmail.


  6. Bitterly disappointed and I cannot excuse the lying. But in comparison to other bi-partisan affairs, this was small potatoes.

  7. Lying was even more stupid than his behavior : That said , after thinking about this , it seems it’s a problem between Weiner and his wife , a private matter- If we hung every person who behaved like an adolescent just discovering the fun of sex- the gallows would be in use 24/7 ;
    I would not excuse his lying , but I would understand it ; Its his wife’s problem now– her decision what , if any thing , to forgive and forget.
    Charles says:
    June 7, 2011 at 7:32 am

    Frankly, no big deal. Think Newt Gingrich, David Vitter, Mark Foley, Larry Craig, Mark Sanford, John Ensign and his bagman Tom Coburn (and why hasn’t Tom been slapped around a bit for his helping with the coverup), Governor Arnold, good ol’ boy Henry Hyde who didn’t have an affair but just had a youthful indiscretion…. and the list goes on. Did he lie? Of course, so did they all. Was anyone hurt? No. Time to move on.

  8. “The reason Democrats were inclined to dismiss the allegations against Weiner is quite simple. Andrew Breitbart was in the middle of the story, and he is notorious for doctoring evidence to make false charges, such as the bogus ACORN scandal and totally unjust firing of Shirley Sherrod. ”

    Here’s an overview:


  9. I am sick that this happened, especially since it involves such a great spolesperson for workers and the oppressed. We have such ridiculously Purittanical attitudes toward sex in this country. One would think the sexual revolution had never happened here!

  10. I do not always like or agree with Andew Sullivan, but I think he is right on target here: “Weiner has not resigned and, frankly, I see little reason why he should. No one, so far as I can tell, was harrassed, no one was abused, no actual sex even took place at all. I’m not sure one can even find any hypocrisy here. Moreover, if online flirting is unforgivable, why isn’t off-line flirting unforgivable? And what really is the difference? Apart from pictures that can be used to humiliate – and even blackmail.”

    Okay, so Weiner lied. I am much more concerned about the political lies that we are subjected to every day. Almost everything from a Republican politician is a lie and the news media doesn’t get it’s panties in a twist as much as they have about this.

    I also strongly agree with Jack above; we have puritanical, and I would add hypocritical, attitudes about sex in this country. If you want sex, how about the screwing that the GOP is giving to the whole country?

    • Charles, see my reply to Jack.

      Weiner is guilty of the sexless sex. What Republicans are doing to this country is rape from the rear.

  11. I like Weiner, and hope that the investigation ends this ordeal! I wish that technology was not so advanced that the privacy of engaging in immorality remained private – this like so many others, should be between himself and his wife – 2 decades ago – noone would be the wiser, and that may have been better! I say that about several of the hypocritical others whom I dislike as well! Technology has become a temptation to explore in times of weakness and too available to public snooping!
    I’ll still vote for him as Mayor, if he didn’t screw himself too much – I think you’re right Tom – censure should be the only repercussion to this disaster, and only if found to be guilty of using official time and machinery to explore “self fulfilllment”!

  12. I don’t know how he can function with any respect or credibility for the progressive cause anymore. I think he should consider offering his resignation and get a consensus from the caucus. At least the voters will have the choice by voting him out of office. It really is up to his constituency. Bottom line.

    • Dave, I agree that his credibility has been hurt, but offering his resignation to the Democrats who are afraid of their own shadow may not be the best answer.

  13. I find it heartening that though many in the party are distancing themselves from him for now, while the legalities are sorted out, his followers are not utterly giving up on him. Disappointed yes, saddened yes, but geez louise, the Re-pube-licans have done far worse, over and over and over. They are just having a field day with him because it takes attention away from their own massive, intolerable, overwhelming flaws. It’s like Clinton all over again – a good man who showed some poor judgement in a purely private matter, but got caught, lied, then savaged by the GOP and the press. Dumb actions from an otherwise smart man.

    • Welcome Sylvia. 🙂 I fully agree, but sadly, I think the revelation that his wife is pregnant will be the final nail in his coffin.

  14. Sadly, I have to note how many comments you got to this issue compared to the normal serious issues you put so much hard work into posting. This is part of the problem I see with Americans focus on our real problems. Again, the Republicans are leading the cry on a non-issue (to me).

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