Another 2012 Loser!

 Posted by at 2:58 am  Politics
Jun 022011

The field of declared and potential Republican candidates for the presidency is the weakest in my memory, and I remember Eisenhower.  We may get to add an authentic lunatic to the race soon.  The big danger  we face is complacency, but Rachel Maddow suggested an excellent strategy for Democrats everywhere.

2batshitIn another sign that Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN) appears to be on the verge of running for president, her Congressional Chief of Staff is now leaving the office — to take up an unspecified "exciting new position" with her.

The Star Tribune reports that Parrish wrote an e-mail to other staffers, saying he was taking this new post. "I will be able to tell you more about what I am doing in the near future," he wrote. "I will reach out to each of you directly to talk to you more about this."

The Star Tribune reports that it is believed Parrish, who has worked on Bachmann’s House campaigns, would become Bachmann’s presidential campaign manager… [emphasis added]

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Just what the Republicans need!

Actually, I hadn’t really thought of how bleak Republicans’ chances are, until I saw Rachel’s take on it last night.  Here it is.

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I agree.  Democrats should run on the pushing that Republicans want to kill Medicare.  In the process, however, let’s not forget about hammering Republican crimes against labor, the ill and infirm, the poor, our troops and vets, the environment, and many everyone making under $1 million per year.


  2 Responses to “Another 2012 Loser!”

  1. But, I thought that God had called Bachmann to run. Given Bachmann, Christine O’Donnell and some of the others, I think God has been dialing a lot of wrong numbers lately.

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