A Dream Vacation

 Posted by at 1:25 am  Politics
May 292011

Seldom, if ever, have such a golden opportunity.  For just a few thousand dollars you can travel to a hotbed of conflict in the company of a genuine lunatic.  Learn the secret the doctrine of the end times.  Learn to be overcharged for gold.  Learn how you are oppressed by β€˜libruls’.  Learn to surrender to InsaniTEA.  You may even get a chance to kill a Muslim for Supply-side Jesus.  When you return, you’ll be prepared to earn a BS in Bullshitology, so why wait?

29GB-NaziFor only $5,697 you can travel with Glenn Beck to Israel to attend his "Restoring Courage" rally at the Southern Wall of the Temple Mount. The catch? The tour cost does not include admission to the primary rally.

Glenn Beck is a cancer.

Any entertainer with his degree of media exposure who is incapable of understanding that his outrageous lies and fear-mongering do not "better" the country he claims to love is as contemptible as a child rapist.

Beck’s dramatic ignorance and cosmic stupidity have wrought as much damage to this country as any terrorist. Pledging to donate proceeds from the event to special operations soldiers is a detestable marketing ploy aimed to placate his repugnant flock. Beck’s money is no better than blood money. He has become an incredibly wealthy man by dredging the deepest, most absurd fears of our nation’s insecurities… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <The Vile Plutocrat>

How can anyone in their right mind want to be ripped off by this fool?


  3 Responses to “A Dream Vacation”

  1. BS in Bullshitology – hahahaha, hilarious. Not many people of Beck’s rank have that kind of money and then they have to pay again to get into the seminar? There’s not enough money in the world to make me want to go to Israel, much less at that price. I can think of far cooler places that I’d want to go. If 10 people show up, I’d be surprised. πŸ™„

  2. He is a Sociopathic disgrace- Period

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