May 232011

Paul Ryan is one of the least popular people in America.  His deficit reduction plan, that does not reduce the deficit, but does trash Medicare for everyone under 55 and Medicaid right away, and also gives huge tax cuts to the filthy-rich one percenters and criminal corporations.  Even party member Gingrich briefly called it radical right wing social engineering until he was Newtered through Teabuggery and and decided to shift back to the GOP goose-step.  Polls show overwhelmingly that America opposes the Ryan plan.  So how does Ryan react to this?  He really does expect a reward for the harm he is doing.


After Newt Gingrich came on Meet the Press last week and had the unfortunate circumstance of finding out what happens to any Republican who dares to tell the truth about Paul Ryan’s budget plan, Ryan got a chance to respond this week. Apparently Ryan hasn’t figured out yet that his plan to turn Medicare into a voucher system or going after Social Security isn’t going to be popular with the voters, ever. Ryan is delusional enough to believe that somehow the Republicans are going to be able to "move the polls" on the issue…

Inserted from <Crooks and Liars>

Here’s the video:

The man must be high on InsaniTEA, if he actually believes voters will thank Republicans at the polls for this.  Better yet, he declared that this upward redistribution of even more wealth is a litmus test for Republican 2012 candidates!

Now if only jackasses can recognize a gift horse.


  12 Responses to “Ryan Actually Expects a Reward?!!?”

  1. I saw this yesterday on MTP. This guy is not only mean spirited but he’s also delusional.

  2. Ryan’s plan has nothing to do with lowering health care costs for you and me. It is about delivering a bunch of new people to the health insurance companies. In the process, it limits the cost to the government, but increases the cost to beneficiaries by $34 trillion (that TRILLION WITH A T).

    Who are the beneficiaries? People under 55. Note — if we continue with Medicare as a government program, the cost will be $34 trillion dollar less than Ryan’s plan. Who saves that 34 trillion. Again it is us. Either way, we pay the health care costs. Why should we give up government run Medicare and pay $34 trillion more for private health care?

    Do republicans really think we are that stupid?

  3. Yes they really do think people– ” the masses” :”The Great Unwashed” are that stupid—- But look at what we the people have swallowed—The rights that have been demolished– The TSA and so called Homeland Security –loss of 4th amendment rights—I could go on and on—-So why shouldnt this piece of offal think he can get away with further demolishing Medicare- Social Security – the middle class—we are rapidly losing all that has made this country great—-Of course he thinks he can get away with it—

  4. What an ass! Did anyone see the tapes of his townhall meetings? In most of them, he couldn’t even finish his presentation because people were yelling that loud. Does he really think that we are that stupid? And now he wants to be “rewarded” for his “magnificent” plan because it’s the only one out there? Have you heard of the Progressive Party Plan that will actually lower the deficit with more benefits for the people? Yeah, I thought not, arrogant asshole. 😑

    • I saw them Lisa. After what they tore him, he needs to wipe with both hands at once.

      It’s not Progressive Party. The People’s Budget comes from the House Progressive Caucus, a group of Democrats.

  5. An official bipartisan Report from the U.S. Congress Joint Economics Committee published May 20, 2011 pretty much says it all [PDF]:

    The Republican Medicare Plan: Health Care Expenditures Would Double for Elderly in Every State

  6. Yes, he will be rewarded his reward will be the millions in speaking fees from CATO and other Right Wing Think tanks for destroying America in the service of enriching his Corporate and Moneyed Masters.

    • Good point Gene.And if the people of Wisconsin have the sense to unemploy him, I’m sure he will be rewarded with his own job that includes a golden parachute.

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