May 212011

That’s a question lots of us have been asking, and my bet was that he had been pushed out.  OOPS!  When I’m wrong I say so.  His comments Thursday night leave little doubt.


Did Keith Olbermann resign, or was he pushed out at MSNBC? Since his abrupt departure in January, the question has fueled much speculation among media prognosticators.

On Thursday, Olbermann stopped by “The Late Show” to promote the new incarnation of “Countdown,” which launches June 20 on Current TV. As always, David Letterman was there to ask the question on everyone’s mind…

Inserted from <LA Times>

Here’s the video:

With Keith no longer under the corporate thumb, so to speak, we can expect great things form him.


  2 Responses to “Did Keith Quit, or Was He Pushed Out?”

  1. I just love Keith to death – he’s always on point and his facts are dead on (just like Rachel, whom I also love to death). I think MSNBC told him to tone it down a bit and he told them to fuck off. That’s what I think; his ratings were through the roof and he was just so honest, it was hard not to like the guy. Sure he was fiery, but MSNBC knew that when they hired him. 😯

    I can’t wait to see more of him, but he needs a better office. That window behind him just bugs the shit out of me because it’s off center from where he sits. It’s the little things like that that make me want to say “This guy is a star and he looks like he’s reporting from his office.” which he probably is. Build him a set, they are not that expensive and give him a place to show clips and a white board to write on. Really, it doesn’t have to look like the Daily Show set, but at least build him a set that suits his stature. 🙄

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