May 202011

Yesterday I slept most of the day, I’m still in quite a bit of pain, but have been able to eat cottage cheese and apple sauce,  scrambled eggs and cheese, milk soaked angel food  cake and ice cream.  I’m finding it quite hard to focus, but the speech is too important not to cover it.  I caught up on replies but am slightly behind again.  My activity level remains touch and go.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:58 (average 6:18).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From AP/Google: The Senate’s top Democrat on budget matters said Thursday that he’s holding off on advancing a Democrats-only budget plan.

Budget Committee Chairman Kent Conrad, D-N.D., said he’s waiting to see the results of bipartisan talks involving Vice President Joe Biden on legislation to allow the government to borrow to pay its bills.

Conrad said the annual congressional budget process might be needed to expedite passage of the so-called debt limit measure without threat of a filibuster by Republicans.

If I had my way, that damn DINO would be moved to the Senate Select Committee on Outhouse Restoration.

From Salon: Bachmann is expected to announce sometime in the next month that she’ll form an exploratory committee for president — senior aides say she’s "very likely to run" — and the congresswoman told MinnPost that if she does indeed run, she will retain her House seat throughout at least the primary campaign.

May she humiliate herself sufficiently to lose her House seat.

From Think Progress: Several Congressional Republicans, including Sen. Pat Toomey (R-PA), have posited that failing to raise the debt ceiling — and thus forcing the U.S. to default on some of its obligations — would not be bad for the economy. “I don’t think it’s going to have an adverse impact on the economy for the days or weeks or perhaps even months that this would continue,” Toomey said.

If this had been a full article here, I’d have put him in a tinfoil hat.


Ed Stein

Michelle “Batshit” Bachmann for Dog Catcher! (That was not intended to be a factual statement, and I apologize to dogs.)


  7 Responses to “Open Thread–5/20/2011”

  1. First we had Deficit Deniers, let by Dick “Deficits-Don’t-Matter” Cheney, and now we’re burdened with Default Deniers.
    Rethuglicans continue to prove there is no end to their hate for American working class citizens … or their abysmal stupidity!

  2. 5:43 You are killing me! At least I beat the average…barely! I am 45 out of 140 (321).

  3. Ice, Ice, Ice. I don’t know how many times I have to tell you.

    Conrad is a chicken. The talks with Biden are our over the debt ceiling – not the budget. Even I know that.

    She just might humiliate herself to lose her house seat – we can only hope.

    Toomey is an idiot of the highest order. I hope we never have to find out what happens if we default on our debt. Just raise the taxes on the rich already so we don’t have to find out, how about that jackoff?

    I love the self checkout when I only have a few items, but I always get behind a senior that’s never used one before and it takes them an hour to check out a loaf of bread – and that’s with someone standing next to them. Same thing with the car rental (where they ask every question known to man) and the ATM.

    Yeah, I wouldn’t do that to dogs either. She’d probably shoot them on the spot.

    • Lisa, I have a re-freezable ice thingy and a bag of peas for backup.

      The Republicans are holding the debt ceiling hostage over the budget.

      Hope and hope.

      I have never used the self checkout, not wanting to be that senior.

      From a helicopter.

  4. Just dinking …
    ★ ★ ★ ★

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