May 182011

Yesterday was a busy one.  I went to the post office, the bank and the store.  I paid bills and did other things in preparation for today.  I’m current on replies.  This morning I get my teeth pulled.  It will involve top and bottom, left and right.  I’m nervous as a gay man in Westboro Baptist.  You may not hear from me for a day or two, so if there are no articles tomorrow, you’ll know why.  It will depend on how I feel.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 3:37 (average 4:20).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From Washington Post: Since January, six senators have engaged in difficult negotiations and made painful concessions in a politically dangerous quest for something that has long eluded Washington: a bipartisan compromise to control the nation’s mounting debt.

By Tuesday evening, however, the “Gang of Six” was on the verge of collapse. Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.) withdrew from the bipartisan working group, saying the senators simply could not overcome the polarizing political pressure that each faces. The group’s two other Republicans said it would be hard to continue without Coburn.

Does this remind anyone else about when snake in the Grassley dropped out of HCR negotiations, after using them as a false front to delay the legislation?

From Boston Globe: Senator Scott Brown will not disclose whether he supports a GOP budget plan that includes sweeping changes to Medicare, despite saying to a business group last week that he will vote for the measure when it comes up in the US Senate.

Hello?  Does he think we’re that dumb?  Actually, his voters are, 🙁

From Uncovered Politics: U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan announced earlier today that he would not be seeking the U.S. Senate seat now held by retiring Wisconsin Democrat Herb Kohl.

His House district is very red, but statewide, he’d get his ass kicked. Bwaaack-buk-buk-buk!


Rob Rogers

When getting teeth pulled, have a Republican sit on your lap.  (That was not intended to be a factual statement,)


  6 Responses to “Open Thread–5/18/2011”

  1. Even worse when you remember where record American profits come from. Record corporate profits come from charging Americans more than ever before for products whilst paying less than ever before in comparison. Record corporate profits also come from charging more for American labour than ever before whilst whilst paying less than ever before in comparison.
    When your government celebrates record corporate profits, they are basically celebrating the screwing over of the American public by those corporations, basically a loss of competition for the consumers dollar and labour.
    Praising corporate profits you conservative morons and you are basically praising the majority getting screwed over as a virtue.

    • Welcome Robert. 🙂 You won’t find many conservative morons here, and on those rare occasions when there are, we treat them with respect.

  2. Good luck on your dental date today. You know we’re all “pulling” for you, right? (Sorry) But I’d be a bit concerned if your dentist gets a thrill when he drills – like Steve Martin playing that sadistic dentist, Dr. Orin, in “Little Shop of Horrors”:

    Seymour: [helpless in dentist chair] What’s that?
    Orin: [enthusiastically] A drill.
    Seymour: It’s rusty!
    Orin: It’s an antique. They don’t make ’em like this any more. Sturdy. Heavy. Dull!
    Orin: I’m gonna want some gas fer this.
    Seymour: Oh, thank God. I thought you weren’t gonna use any.
    Orin: Oh, the gas isn’t for you Seymour, it’s for me. You see, I wanna really enjoy this.

    There … now don’t you feel better?

  3. 4:15 Should have done better. I am 45 out of 138 (326)

    Good luck tomorrow. May the extractions go quick and the pain be minimal.

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