Apr 262011

I know.  That sounds ridiculous, but what can I say?  The latest talking point from the depths of Republican Teabuggery is that liberal women are neutering American men.  Really!  Given the behavior of certain congressional Democrats, perhaps that is the support for the argument, so debunking this may require closer examination.

26gorgoLast week, Tea Party favorite Rep. Allen West (R-FL) addressed his base at a Women Impacting Nation (WIN) meeting [propaganda delinked] in Boca Raton, FL. WIN’s mission [hate group delinked] is to “educate and equip women with knowledge of God’s truth” and “to support those who take a stand for those Judeo-Christian values upon which our country is founded.” West used examples of “historical fiction” to instruct attendees on the proper role for American women — namely, to make strong men.

West first weaved the ancient society of Sparta [propaganda delinked] — a culture that practiced eugenics and inspired Adolf Hitler — into an example of the role of women. “What made the Spartan men strong, it was the Spartan women,” he said. “Because the Spartan women at the age of nine gave up their male sons” to train for the army. West then exulted conservative women to come forth and “lock shields” to “strengthen up the men who are going to the fight for you.” Painting women’s rights advocates as “women that have been neutering American men,” West charged attendees to fight these apparent castrators who want to force male subservience…

…Watch it:


West’s blatant misogyny is made all the more ludicrous by the sources of his historical wisdom. In heralding Sparta, West holds up Spartan Queen Gorgo as the essential example of a woman who, speaking “out of turn” to a male emissary, said “Persian, beware, for it is Spartan women who raise Spartan men.” But this stirring confrontation comes not from ancient history but from slightly-less-ancient director Zack Snyder’s 2006 film, 300. In the movie, Queen Gorgo confronts a Persian man as West describes. But according to Plutarch, who first recorded the statment, Gorgo “is said to have” uttered the principle in response to “some foreign woman.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Now, first note that West Teabuggered history, not just truth, but he transforms women to a role of subservient chattel.  If anything, it would seem to me that a strong, virile man is not threatened by equality with an independent woman, while the neutered man is the one who needs to put a woman down in order to feel powerful.

But here’s the acid test.  Counting… One!… Two!!  No doubt about it!!!

On that basis, I declare the lovely ladies of the left not guilty!


  12 Responses to “Gents, Have Ladies Clipped Your Gonads?”

  1. Thank you for exonerating us, TomCat, you Sweetie!

  2. “… a strong, virile is not threatened by equality with an independent woman, while the neutered man is the one who needs to put a woman down in order to feel powerful.”

    Well said, TomCat! Of course, what does that say about West? 😀

    • Ahab, I think it says that he is bitter, because the little girls used to beat him up on the school bus and make him give them his lunch money. 😈

  3. Here I thought it was the MEN relinquishing their duty as providers with good judgment. I grew up on ‘Leave It To Beaver’….June didn’t seem put down or subservient & Ward provided well. Ward also didn’t run with the boys, need a fast car, constantly view sports, and need a bunch of expensive toys in his driveway….he was a FAMILY man. He never put June down or demeaned her, nor did she disappoint Ward…we could all take a lesson from them on how to revive the ‘Good Old Days’.

    Currently, however it is the girls demeaning men by telling them to ‘put on their big boy pants’, or ‘take off your lace panties’ or to ‘man up’….these women would NOT be favored in the good old days…THESE ARE THE ‘SNIPPERS’ and they do it with the skill & regard of an 8 yr old bully….something none of us need. We need solutions not slogans (that’s a good slogan!).

    We, as a Nation, certainly do not need to take on the masculine leadership of the middle east…we see how well they are doing with the Authoritarianism thing!

    BTW, the model up above has a LOT of Adam’s apple!

    • Zada, I agree. The picture is a theatrical representation of Queen Gorgo. There were more feminine ones, but I wanted the gents able to read without fogged screens.

  4. Well, maybe republican Gov. Haley Barbour’s wife did some snipping. Racist Barbour (who at one time endorsed the idea that Mississippi offer vanity license plates honoring the first Grand Wizard of the Ku Klux Klan) announced yesterday that he will NOT be running for President next year.

    His wife influenced his decision when she said, “The thought of Haley running for President absolutely horrified me!”

    To which I can only reply, “You ain’t the only one that was horrified by that idea!”

  5. What absolute garbage !! ROFLFAO !!

  6. I’ve heard this same bullshit come out of West’s mouth before. Listen, if you can’t stand up to women, then you’re not a man. If you feel the need to push her around and/or hit her, your time on this earth is limited. By her, because one day, she’s gonna get pissed off enough to kill your stupid neanderthal ass.

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