Whom Will Republicans Pick?

 Posted by at 2:45 am  Politics
Apr 242011

The way the public is overreacting to radically rabid Republican rule in the House and State Houses nationwide, the Regime faces a major problem.  Now that they have overreached to the extent that they have trouble hiding their true malicious intent, what can they do about the Presidency.  Nobody seems that anxious to run, except unknowns, extremists (even worse than the Republican norm), and a woman of questionable (actually it’s obvious) sanity.  So whom will Republicans pick?

24Campaign2012If you get past the hype for Donald Trump, and Michele Bachmann, and Newt Gingrich, and — I don’t know, did we have a presidential boomlet for Rufus T. Firefly or Jimmy James that I missed? — there’s a real story involving the 2012 presidential race. In the real world, the field is starting to narrow to perhaps only a few plausible contenders. With less than a year until the nominee is chosen, we have a reasonably clear view of what the field will look like.

So how do things sit now?

Three serious contenders are actively running for the nomination: Mitt Romney, Tim Pawlenty, and Haley Barbour.

Three other serious candidates have been on the fringes of the race: Sarah Palin, Mike Huckabee, and Mitch Daniels. Each has done some of the things that candidates do in the early stages of the “invisible” primary — the stage before the voters get involved, during which party elites broadly make decisions which help structure the field for the election year, and in some cases fully determine the nomination. However, these none of these three has done the things that candidates traditionally do as the voting draws closer, including announcing that they’re running.

An astonishing ten other people have candidacies, or quasi-candidacies, or are pretending to have candidacies, despite having very, very marginal chances: Michele Bachmann, Gary Johnson, Ron (or possibly Rand) Paul, “Ten Commandments” Judge Roy Moore, Buddy Roemer, Herman Cain, John Bolton, Rick Santorum, Trump, Gingrich, and Bachmann. All of them are prominent enough that they would probably have to be invited to presidential debates. But together, I’d give them at best a 10% chance of capturing the nomination, and more realistically I’d probably give them collectively around a 1% chance… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Romney is interesting.  His own dog, Seamus, may lead the ‘No on Romney’ campaign.  Normally Republican Supply-side pseudo-Christians hate Mormons.  Mormonism is taught as a satanically inspired cult in seminaries.  But that might be OK.  After all they have embraced a Mormon as de facto VP of Republican thought: Glen Beck.  But Romney was behind Romneycare.  That may be an unforgivable sin for the base.

Pawlenty is an opportunist hypocrite.  There are few issues for which there are not two videos, one of Paws pretending to be moderate and backing one position, and the other of Paws pretending to be extreme and backing the opposite position.

Haley Barbour has a racist record that will not go over with the left and center.  His wife may not have had time to wash his sheet and hood, since he last wore them.  He will also have trouble because he governs a state that ranks last or near last in almost every category for quality of life.

Now on the next three, we should be so blessed.


  12 Responses to “Whom Will Republicans Pick?”

  1. They built their house now they have to live in it.

  2. You know, with a whole lot of GOP jumping on the ‘don’t mess with my Medicare’ bandwagon, Romney may well be a perfect choice if HE uses Romneycare as a strength & doesn’t run away from it! Good judgement is NOT his strong suit , however!

  3. Trump is hardly a marginal candidate — most polls show him leading the Republican field at the moment. That could change in the course of a year, but so could the fortunes of any of the others.

    He’s also threatening an independent candidacy if the Republicans don’t nominate him.

    Palin is dropping rapidly in the polls, with a majority even among Republicans considering her unqualified to be President. Bachmann would likely pick up those of her supporters who don’t go for Trump.

    The Mormon factor will be a big handicap for Romney with fundamentalist voters. Beck is something of a counter-example, but I’m not sure most of them even realize Beck is a Mormon.

    Sane republicans — yes, they exist — despair at the circus.

    • Infidel, it was the Post, not I that marginalized the Donald. I did not correct them, because he remains undeclared and because the only way he went from nowhere to the lead is his embrace of birtherism.

      I agree on Palin.

      That’s a good point about Beck?

      Aren’t sane and Republican mutually exclusive terms? Any resemblance Boehner has to sanity stems from being slightly less insane than the Bachmann set.

  4. Doesn’t matter who they pick. We can’t afford to hand our government and our country wholly over to the Conservatives.

  5. Given the enlarging pool of Repub candidates, the masses will be so confused as to who to vote for. Even if you took the best qualities of all of them (and granted, some have none), you still won’t have a viable candidate. Mittens is probably the most normal of the bunch (and that’s saying something), but if he runs away from Romeycare (as I expect him to do) and attaches onto Paul Ryan’s budget, he’s DOA. Should be an interesting primary season for the Repubs. 😆

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