Watch Pawlenty Squirm!

 Posted by at 3:35 am  Politics
Apr 172011

Republican Presidential candidates have a problem.  If they do not back extreme Republican positions the hate mongers, that the party has embraced and are noel the base, will repudiate them, and they cannot win the nomination.  On the other hand, if they do back the extremes, they become repugnant to the majority of Americans.  With this in mind, watch Pawlenty squirm.


The House Republicans’ Medicare-killing plan has at least one GOP presidential hopeful a little tied up in knots over the fact that it actually retains some of the costs savings from the dreaded "Obamacare." Igor Volsky caught up with Tim Pawlenty in New Hampshire:


During a Tea Party rally in New Hampshire, likely presidential candidate and former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty (R) endorsed the Ryan proposal, saying, “as a general matter and directionally, I think Paul Ryan’s plan moves in the right direction.” But when I pressed him over whether he supports maintaining some of the Medicare cuts that are part of health care reform, Pawlenty demurred, and took another question…

…In other words, "Get me out of this!"…

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

The first part of Pawlenty’s statement was pure Republican doubletalk: trying to embrace “direction” but evade details.  Then he quacked.  Skillful duck.


  11 Responses to “Watch Pawlenty Squirm!”

  1. I still don’t see their candidate. They all are going to have embrace Ryan’s fantasy to take the teabaggers. And then do what for the center to grab that most cucial of votes. Every time one of them opens their mouth they give a Lefty a sound bite. Sucks to be them right now, trapped by the lunatic fringe.

    • Mark, they don’t have one, but the second whichever blood-drooling reactionary wins the nomination, he/she will become an instant moderate… temporarily.

  2. Shorter T-Paw:
    “Government is too big – so pay for your own damn bridges!”

    (Right … like that approach worked sooo well in Minneapolis.)

  3. The worm squirms.

  4. That worthless and arrogant Pawlenty is a total pandering fraud.

  5. When you dance with idiots, it is hard to keep the stupid off your hands.

  6. No friggnin way is Obama going to let the tax rate go down to 25% for the rich. And Medicare/Medicaid are institutions – they are 50 years old for God’s sake – no way is he going to let that happen. $15K voucher – hell, I’d use that up in 3 months and I’m not even close to 65.

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