A Meeting of Giants

 Posted by at 2:51 am  Politics
Apr 132011


Anyone who follows me knows that I like to run off at the mouth, or in this case keyboard, from time to time.Β  However, when two people as witty and well informed as Rachel Maddow and Bill Maher discuss Republican faith in voodoo economics and Democratic capitulation to Republican demands, wisdom dictates that I shut up and get out of the way.Β  Enjoy!

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Here’s the second segment.

Visit msnbc.com for breaking news, world news, and news about the economy

Are they dead-on, or what?


  8 Responses to “A Meeting of Giants”

  1. Saw it live…should have gone the whole hour.

  2. I’ve got to check out that interview tonight. Thanks!

  3. sometimes the only way to attack is with comedy.

  4. I’m going to watch the rest of this interview. Bill Maher speaks the thruth – and he’s right, why are we cutting the budget in a recession? That makes no sense. I still don’t know what’s in and what’s out. If anyone knows, please tell me. Oh, and defense got a raise in their budget, I know that. 😑

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