Another Defeat for Brewer

 Posted by at 3:30 am  Politics
Apr 122011

The bigotry of Arizona’s Republicans was defeated when The Ninth US Circuit Court of appeals ruled against Jan Brewer’s racist show me your papers law.  While the ruling will surely be appealed, at least for now, it’s a victory for human rights against Republican abuse of power.

12arizonaA federal appeals court in San Francisco refused Monday to let Arizona require its police to demand documentation from suspected illegal immigrants, saying the state is intruding into federal authority and harming U.S. foreign policy.

In a 2-1 ruling, the Ninth U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a federal judge’s decision blocking major provisions of a law that sought to inject the state into immigration enforcement. The Obama administration had sued to strike down the law.

State officials indicated they would appeal.

Arizona, which in recent years has seen the nation’s greatest influx of illegal immigrants, argued that the federal government had failed to police borders and needed new forms of state assistance, despite record levels of deportations under President Obama. Conservative legislators in other states, including California, have drafted similar measures… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <San Francisco Chronicle>

I fear the final outcome, because this will work it’s way to the Republican activists on the Supreme Court, which must not be allowed to increase in number.  In the meantime, Brewer will have to entertain herself watching the deaths of those whose Medicaid benefits she has cancelled to give tax cuts to the rich.


  4 Responses to “Another Defeat for Brewer”

  1. The courts have desevedly not been kind to that ignorant upper middle classs gasbag Brewer. I can only hope Arizona voters will wake up and retire that embarrassment in the next election.

  2. I live in AZ and the republicans are so blinded by their hatred (and are just so damn dense) that they don’t realize about 50% of the illegal immigrants have already left. What’s hilarious is that they are wondering why there are so many vacancies in their slums! :mrgreen:

    • Nikolai, my condolences. 😳

      If they could have their way the undocumented immigrants that have left, would continue to pay rent from elsewhere.

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