Apr 012011

If you are not super rich or a criminal corporation, you do not matter to the Republican party.  That explains their response upon hearing that their financial policy will kill 70,000 children.  They changed the subject.

GOPDeathFlameYesterday, the House Committee on Appropriations Subcommittee on State, Foreign Operations, and Related Programs held a budget hearing on the US Agency for International Development (USAID), the primary agency in the government responsible for dispensing humanitarian aid and assisting global development efforts.

As Foreign Policy’s Josh Rogin notes, one moment of the hearing provided a particularly startling fact about H.R. 1, the House Republicans’ bill for continuing appropriations to fund the government. USAID administrator Rajiv Shah explained to Rep. Charlie Dent (R-PA) that the agency was committed to its mission of battling global poverty, but that H.R. 1 would severely gut its ability to battle easily preventable deaths among children — and even lead to the deaths of as many as 70,000 kids globally. Dent, apparently unmoved by Shah’s testimony, immediately asked to change the subject

…Watch it:


H.R. 1 includes a $120 million funding cut to USAID’s annual budget, which amounts to a 9 percent cutback… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

When it comes to the poor, the suffering, to those in need of compassion, RepubliCare offers them a solution: a death benefit.


  6 Responses to “70,000 New Victims for RepubliCare”

  1. Slightly off topic…in the NYT this morning was a story of two grandparents who had been raising their 12 year old grand daughter since birth. Now they both are on medicare and Texas has no insurance company that will sell them a policy for the child. She has no preexisting condition either, the companies just are not selling individual policies for kids. The couple make enough money in retirement to pay but no one will give them a policy, not even the high risk pool because she is not sick and the grandparents have to many assets to get her on medicare.

    So when I hear the repeated bullshit about mortgaging our children’s and grandchildren’s future from the it’s another reason to despise the kleptocracy. The masters of the republican party in both state and federal government ave declared a multi front war on America’s citizens.

  2. From the womb to the tomb, the Rushpubliscums do not care. They never have.

    • JR, I have to disagree. In womb they care and will go to extremes over it. They gladly let children die only after they are born.

  3. It is very clear that Dent wasn’t even listening. Typical goddam Republican!

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