Senate to Vote on Carbon

 Posted by at 3:38 am  Politics
Mar 302011

Today the Senate will vote on whether to strip authority from the EPA to regulate greenhouse gasses.  Republicans, for whom profit trumps all, except establishing a one-party government, care nothing for the environment.  Sadly, they’ll get help from Senate DINO’s.

30greenhouse-gasesThe U.S. Senate is moving toward a showdown vote on Wednesday over legislation that would block the Environmental Protection Agency from regulating greenhouse gas emissions, a key energy initiative of the Obama administration.

Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said he "hoped" for votes early on Wednesday to "get rid of that issue one way or another."

Congress failed last year to forge a broad energy policy that included battling greenhouse gas emissions blamed for global warming. The White House has long said the EPA was bound to begin restricting emissions in the absence of legislation.

Senate Republicans, saying the U.S. economy can ill afford costly new pollution controls, were hoping their initiative wins the support of several moderate Democrats — many from coal-producing and consuming states — who could face tough re-election bids next year.

Even with such support, the legislation is not expected to get the 60 votes that leaders will require for passage in the 100-member Senate.

However, a vote tally that has more than 50 votes in favor of halting EPA regulations on carbon dioxide pollution, which began to kick in this year, would be touted as a victory by conservatives… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Reuters>

Harry Reid, the Nevada Leg Hound, is humping Republican legs again.  He should be in the forefront opposing this measure.  Hopefully I’ll be able to get back to you tomorrow with the names of the DINOs who goose-step with the Republicans.  Fools!  We can’t afford to control carbon?  How can we then afford a new planet?


  4 Responses to “Senate to Vote on Carbon”

  1. Carbon is good, remember Taryton cigarettes used it in their filters to remove all those harmful gasses. We LOVE carbon, didn’t robert Duvall say in a movie “GOD damn I love the smell of carbon in the morning.WTF how are we supposed to make copies of all those professors emails if we can’t carbon copy them and lastly if you like the cold and bitter winters and the hot and humid summers then you have carbon (in part) to thank!! So love your carbon it loves you!

  2. Um, then who should be in control of regulating carbon?

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