Mar 292011

Yesterday did not go as planned.  After breakfast, I closed my eyes to rest them for a few minutes and did not wake up until mid afternoon, so I did not even get all my errands and chores done.  Today, we’ll see, but I’m up to date on comments.

Jig Zone Puzzle:

Today it took me 4:05 (average 4:45).  To do it, click here.  How did you do?

Short Takes:

From The State Column: New York Republican Donald Trump likely understands how President Obama feels when people question the validity of his birth certificate.

Mr. Trump, who has gained national attention concerning his questioning of Mr. Obama’s birth certificate, attempted to present his own birth certificate Monday only to realize it was a copy.

Politico reported that the document presented by Mr. Trump is not, in fact, his official birth certificate.

LMAO!  I still thing Donald Duck is a better choice.

From NY Times: Michigan, whose unemployment rate has topped 10 percent longer than that of any other state, is about to set another record: its new Republican governor, Rick Snyder, signed a law Monday that will lead the state to pay fewer weeks of unemployment benefits next year than any other state.

Ah, the fruits of sending Obama a message!

From Daily Kos: Anonymous Republican sources tell the National Review that polling in on the April 5th Wisconsin Supreme Court election between JoAnne Kloppenburg and incumbent David Prosser is "near even."

In case you don’t know, Prosser is a Koch sucking Walker clone.  Vote JoAnne Kloppenburg!


Clay Bennett

Friends don’t let friends duck voting.


  6 Responses to “Open Thread–3/29/2011”

  1. I had NO idea that Donald Trump is a Jamaican! It says so right there on his birth certificate:

    OK – so it’s Jamaica, Queens, NYC … details, details

  2. 4:09 Close, but not close enough. 28 out of 88 (318).

  3. Donald Trump is just another asshole who thinks he can buy an election. He should really take a good look in a mirror; he can’t even buy a decent haircut.

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