Mar 112011

I considered calling Peter King (R-NY) a Hypocrite, because, given his long time support for the IRA, he may well be a worse hypocrite than he is a bigot.  That aside, one thing is certain.  He is a liar when he tried to deny his bigotry.

11KingIRAHomeland Security Committee Chairman Peter King at his hearing on the "radicalization" of American Muslims earlier today, responding to criticism that he had once said there were too many mosques in America:

I said that there are too many mosques that don’t cooperate with law enforcement. I think testimony today has backed that up. I never said there were too many mosques in America.

Via ThinkProgress, here’s what King said four years ago:

We have unfortunately, we have a, uh, too many mosques in this country, too many people that are sympathetic to radical Islam. We should be looking at them more carefully. I think there’s been a lack of full cooperation from too many people in the Muslim community. There’s a real threat here in this country

… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

Here’s the video:


King seems to distinguish between terrorists, good or bad, based on which religion they claim to follow.  Catholic is OK, but not Islam.  That’s is so absurd that only a Republican could have come up with it.  To be real, neither Christianity nor Islam supports terrorism.  Terrorists who base their actions on either faith are not true adherents thereof.  Muslim terrorism does not exist.  The extreme rabid religious right  in areas where Islam is dominant are pseudo-Muslims, just as the extreme rabid religious right in this country are pseudo-Christians.

Al Qaeda is a threat in the US, but Al Dubya is a greater one.


  6 Responses to “Republican Bigot Caught Lying”

  1. The guy is a bigot. Throw him out of office!

  2. He is a Republican- a bigot – and a liar -so help me understand all the money being wasted to have his “Radicalization” hearings , all the airspace, time and attention being given to his hate and delusions makes to sense to me-

  3. Mr. King’s assertion that “too many” American Muslims are “sympathetic to radical Islam” is absurd. The only people who are sympathetic to radical Islam are radical Islamists, not Americans who are members of the Muslim faith. What specific examples can Mr. King put forth to clarify whatever it is that he means by his reference to “Mosques that don’t cooperate with law enforcement”, or his reference to “a lack of full cooperation by too many people in the Muslim community”??? I missed the “testimony” that Mr. King says backs up his assertion. Could you please explain it all again, Mr. King – explain it to me like I’m 5 years old. How can you accuse American citizens of some sort of sympathy with terrorists because the Americans in question are Muslims? Mr. King, you would be comical except for the fact that you are serious in your pushing for “radicalization hearings” and this type of bigotry is exactly McCarthyism. You should be ashamed, but then bigots and Republican zealots never are. How’s that spreading fear and hate thing working out for you, Mr. King – because that’s what this is all about.

    • Welcome Snowdog! 🙂

      Amen and Amenagain. You will have a hard time getting explanations from King, because his “facts” are lies.

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