Obscene Income Inequality

 Posted by at 5:37 am  Politics
Mar 032011

As a rule, Republicans govern incompetently.  Were this not so, the Republican recession would not have happened.  But Republicans do some things very well.  One of the principal things at which Republicans excel is the transfer of wealth from the poor and middle classes to the very rich.  This has led to a level of inequity in wealth and income unparalleled in our nation’s history.  A series of charts at the end of this article will demonstrate this so clearly that it may blow your mind.

3trickle-downThe March/April issue of Mother Jones magazine has a fascinating account of the growing income gap and staggering economic inequality in America. Bolstered by a selection of illuminating infographics [the source of the graphics below], MJ writer Kevin Drum paints a bleak picture of opportunity in the U.S.:

Income inequality has grown dramatically since the mid-’70s—far more in the US than in most advanced countries—and the gap is only partly related to college grads outperforming high-school grads. Rather, the bulk of our growing inequality has been a product of skyrocketing incomes among the richest 1 percent and—even more dramatically—among the top 0.1 percent. It has, in other words, been CEOs and Wall Street traders at the very tippy-top who are hoovering up vast sums of money from everyone, even those who by ordinary standards are pretty well off.

Some figures to consider: The bottom 80 percent of American households have lost ground in share of income since 1979. The top one percent, meanwhile, has seen its slice of the pie increase more than 120 percent. What these shifts translate to is this: The top 10 percent of Americans earn nearly three-quarters of all income in the country, leaving the poor with whatever is left.

Inserted from <Salon>

Now get a load od these!


Look at the pittance 90% of us get.


Can you see the Clinton years?  Look what share of income for the bottom 80% has done.


The bottom 40% has about 0.2% of the wealth.


This demonstrates the effect of the Republican Revolution of 1980.   Only the top 10% get more.

There is a single reason that this inequity exists.  The policies of the Republican Party have created it, by design.  The only long term solution I can see is the demise of the Republican Party.  We can’t afford them. They need to join the Whigs.


  17 Responses to “Obscene Income Inequality”

  1. TC
    No doubt we have been delusional, letting them get away with it. Most people are working their ass off each day and haven’t the time to get all this information. If they’re Lucky, they get to catch some news at night or on their way home. While in their cars they listen to Clear Channel dribble, then tune into O’Really. Sad state of affairs. So we continue to try and get this stuff out in order to bring truth to their life. I guess we keep keeping on as Joe Dirt might say.

    • That’s about it, Tim. Republican money gives them an information advantage. We can’t afford our own propaganda channel. But we do what we can in the belief that long term, being in the right will be enough.

  2. But, TomCat, the rich are the job creators. After all, where would we be without them. I mean, without the rich our economy might be floundering, people might be losing their homes, and unemployment might be high.

    Oh wait a minute… 😯

  3. Why don’t they try a climbing economic recovery. If the middle class buys a lot of stuff, we pay more sales tax and that helps the budgets. Buying more also puts people to work having to produce products.

    Number of Operations Iraqi Freedom, Enduring Freedom and New Dawn
    casualties as confirmed by U.S. Central Command: 5902
    Deaths by Conflict:
    Operation Iraqi Freedom: 4400
    Operation Enduring Freedom: 1477
    Operation New Dawn: 25

  4. I’m totally confused. Are the Republicans so freaking stupid that they don’t understand these basics or are they so evil that they’re deliberately trying to tear down this country?

    I see postings on Newsvine, blogs, etc. of right-wingers who seem to be freaking stupid, yet are they being led by the diabolical?

    Worst thing ever from the right-wing: A children’s picture book titled “Democrats are Dumb.” Whoa! I left a slightly disgruntled review comment on the book on Amazon. Please look it up and lambast this asshole. Here’s a link for you:

  5. I just LOVE the Reagan/Bush poster of that “trickle-down” shit … except for the sad fact that it’s true, and how it’s fatally (literally) harmed our fellow Americans.

  6. And if it couldn’t be made clearer by the real data, Czar Kashitch and Pharaoh Walker are making it crystal-clear with their policies. They aim to gut workers’ incomes so that the rich can have more.

  7. Cellophane, the Klanbaggers are both. Evil and stupid. They are so determined to punish those they hate that they will gladly destroy their own children/grandchildrens’ future in order to get the job done.

  8. Information is good Tom but I find except for your consistent trying to sway the vote, no acceptable solution offered. Let it go on and soon enough American troops will be firing on American citizens and it is then the sheer force of numbers will reclaim the government for the majority.

    • Mark, educating the public is the best solution I see. Health does not allow me to take to the streets, but I support those who do.

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