More Big Bucks for GOBP!

 Posted by at 6:08 am  Politics
Feb 252011

Seven of the ten largest big money political donors are corporate groups supporting Republicans.  Three are unions.  So it’s not as if the Republicans need another corporate giant weighing in.  Since SCOTUS handed down the Citizens United treachery, Big Oil is no longer content to grease Republican palms though lobbyists.  They have decided to allow the pigs to feed directly from the trough.

25oilmoneyThe American Petroleum Institute, the Big Oil industry’s chief lobbying organization, will start directly backing political candidates in the second quarter of this year. API, whose membership includes oil giants like Exxon-Mobil and Chevron, already spends tens of millions of dollars every year on lobbying, advertisements and Astroturf campaigns to support the the oil industry agenda. As CAP’s Dan Weiss wrote, API “wants to drill in fragile, sensitive places, keep government tax breaks, expand offshore drilling without reforms, and block global warming pollution reduction requirements.”

“This is adding one more tool to our toolkit,” Martin Durbin, API’s executive vice president for government affairs, told Bloomberg News. “At the end of the day, our mission is trying to influence the policy debate.” As Bloomberg pointed out, oil-supported political action committees like the Independent Petroleum Association of America overwhelmingly donate to Republican candidates.

GOBPAccording to the Center for Responsive Politics, API spent $6.7 million on lobbying alone last year, after clearing $7 million in 2009. In 2010, API was the seventh most prolific spender in the oil and gas industry, following ConocoPhillips, Chevron, Exxon-Mobil, Shell, Koch Industries and BP.

API’s turn toward direct political donations is doubly problematic because, in addition to acting as the industry’s chief lobbyists, the institute runs technical committees that set standards for the oil industry. In its official report, the commission that investigated the BP oil spill found that API was too “compromised” to be setting industry standards. “Because they would make oil and gas industry operations potentially more costly, API regularly resists agency rulemakings that government regulators believe would make those operations safer, and API favors rulemaking that promotes industry autonomy from government oversight,” the commission found. And this was before API established a political action committee!.. [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Corporate interests have become so blatant that they are not even trying to hide their bribery anymore.  I don’t know how we are going to fight all this corporate money, but we have to find a way.

Corporations are NOT people!
Money is NOT speech!

  8 Responses to “More Big Bucks for GOBP!”

  1. These goddam oil companies are awash in money right now. If I see one more lying Chevron or API TV ad (which incidentally run ALL the time) claiming to be creating “well-paying American jobs”, I’m going to puke all over the screen. These crooked liars must NOT be allowed to control our government. HELLLLPPPP!!!!

  2. We can thank the Roberts Supreme Corporate Court for enabling all of this nonsense. Thanks for nothing, Alito, Scalia, Thomas, Kennedy, and Roberts. What a bunch of corporate toadies you are!

  3. perhaps I am pessimistic– however it seems – we have become a nation full of sheeple– who do not care that all previous generations have fought for is being thrown away– the “nation” we are handing down will be a country in servitude to our corporate masters .

    • Phyllus,
      I’ve been reading, and I love your comments! Do you have a website or blog of your own, I hope?

      • Thank you Jack– since I also appreciate yours– and wish I had said it first—–My only blog is on stumbleupon–SU—Which , until recently , had nothing political on it– now- I sprinkle the things I agree with or comment on– among the fairies poetry and sexy ladies– SU is where I became acquainted with TomKat– who is wonderful—– I sorta hang out with a few other outspoken and marvelous radicals–

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