US Chamber Black-Ops

 Posted by at 8:05 am  Politics
Feb 182011

Last week we talked briefly about the US Chamber of Commerce planning to spy on lefties.  The more we learn about this, the uglier it gets.  What the chamber has planned goes way beyond mere political espionage.  It’s outright, highly illegal, cyber-warfare.

18dr-evilLast Thursday, ThinkProgress revealed that lawyers representing the U.S. Chamber of Commerce, one of the most powerful trade associations for large corporations like ExxonMobil and CitiGroup, had solicited a proposal from a set of military contractors to develop a surreptitious campaign to attack the Chamber’s political opponents, including ThinkProgress, the Change to Win labor coalition, SEIU,,, U.S. Chamber Watch and others. The lawyers from the Chamber’s longtime law firm Hunton and Williams had been compiling their own data set on some of these targets. However, the lawyers sought the military contractors for assistance.

As ThinkProgress has reported, the proposals — created by military contractors Palantir, Berico Technologies, and HBGary Federal, collectively known as “Team Themis” — were discussed at length with the Chamber’s lawyers over the course of several months starting in October of 2010. The core proposals called for snooping on the families of progressive activists, creating phony identities to penetrate progressive organizations, creating bots to “scrape” social media for information, and submitting fake documents to Chamber opponents as a false flag trick to discredit progressive organizations.

In addition to the Team Themis plans that ThinkProgress and other outlets have reported on, a closer look at the proposals show that the firms had planned to use exploits to steal information from the Chamber’s opponents, or worse. On November 2, HBGary Federal executive Aaron Barr sent John Woods, a lawyer at Hunton and Williams representing the Chamber, two documents discussing tactics for assisting the Chamber (view the e-mail here). One presentation (click here to download) boasted of HBGary Federal’s capabilities in “Information Operations,” a military contractor term for offensive data extraction techniques typically reserved for use against terrorist groups. The slide includes sections on “Vulnerability Research/Exploit Development” and “Malware Analysis and Reverse Engineering.” View a screenshot below:


HBGary, the parent company of HBGary Federal, specializes in analyzing “malware,” computer viruses that are used to maliciously steal data from computers or networks. In other presentations, Barr makes clear that his expertise in “Information Operations” covers forms of hacking like a “computer network attack,” “custom malware development,” and “persistent software implants.” The presentation shows Barr boasting that he had knowledge of using “zero day” attacks to exploit vulnerabilities in Flash, Java, Windows 2000 and other programs to steal data from a target’s computer… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

This is the organization that SCOTUS incorrectly deemed a person and their money, speech.  This is the extent to which they will go to help the Republican party reach its primary goal: the establishment of a 1,000 year Republican Regime of one party rule. Then Republicans will be free to pursue their other objective: the transfer of wealth from the poor and middle classes to millionaires, billionaires and criminal corporations.  The fascist five are wrong.

Corporations are NOT people!  Money is NOT Speech!

  8 Responses to “US Chamber Black-Ops”

  1. The Chamber is a despicably dishonest organization which promotes only monopoly and exploitation, not free commerce among all elements of the marketplace. It is the unapologetic lobbying arm of plutocrats and oligarchs.

  2. Now now, we must not be so hard on the US Chamber of Nazi’s. Yeah…………..

  3. BASTAGES!!! 😡

  4. This can’t be legal and should be presented to the proper authorities. Repubs can’t win without lying and cheating and this proves it. What a bunch of assholes. 😡

    • Of course it isn’t legal. A plan to commit a crime, even if the crime does not take place, is a conspiracy. However, I think Obama is too busy grabbing what he considers the center for 2012 to allow Holder to go after them.

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