The CPAC Pecking Order

 Posted by at 9:38 am  Politics
Feb 132011

Perhaps the CPUKE pecking order might be a better term.  The winner of the straw poll was Ron Paul, known for antiwar foreign policy, domestic extremism and racism.  Sadly, there is virtually no chance for Paul to get the nomination.  CPAC winners rarely do. However, watching the hopefuls pander to the more rabid extremists provides good material to bring back when the eventual Republican winner tries to present himself as a centrist in the general election.

13PaulFor the second year in a row, Rep. Ron Paul, R-Tex., emerged as the potential presidential candidate that a group of conservative activists want to see at the top of the Republican ticket in 2012. 

Paul won this year’s Conservative Political Action Conference straw poll by a healthy margin, getting 30 percent of the vote. His nearest competitor was former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney, who won 23 percent of the vote. Most of the other possible candidates wound up in the low single digits.

Still, Romney’s finish was relatively strong given talk that health care reform legislation he championed in Massachusetts — which includes an individual mandate — would alienate the conservative base.

The poll should not necessarily be regarded as an accurate indicator of where the Republican electorate actually stands. Many political figures who have won the CPAC straw polls in past years did not go on to win the Republican presidential nomination.

“A year is an eternity in politics,” GOP pollsteAmericansr Tony Fabrizio, who conducted the straw poll, told ABC News.

Rounding out the top five were former New Mexico Gov. Gary Johnson (6 percent), New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie (6 percent) and former House Speaker Newt Gingrich (5 percent). Former Minnesota Gov. Tim Pawlenty, Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., and Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels, who delivered a lenghty speech at the conference on Friday night, each received 4 percent of the vote. (Notably, Christie did not attend CPAC.)

Former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin, who turned down an invitation to attend CPAC for the fourth year in a row, finished a distant 9th place, garnering only 3 percent of the vote… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <ABC>

Frankly, I don’t think either Paul or Romney would have done as well as they did had the Theocon wing of the party not boycotted to express their hatred for LGBT Americans.  As a result, Plutocons and non-Religious members of the InsaniTEA wing dominated.  Sadly, it looks like we’re in for yet another campaign season of media-hawking by Paul supporters.


  12 Responses to “The CPAC Pecking Order”

  1. It’s almost entertaining, this annual CPAC gathering, watching a bunch of rightwing wackjobs stroking each others’ egos. (I was tempted to use a raunchier description 🙂 )

  2. CPAC this year compared to last year, too funny for words… They are an entertaining bunch aren’t they? NOT ONE single rethuglican can go up against Obama and win, not even on a wing and a prayer. They got plenty of those prayers going out but it won’t help.

  3. Disgusting bunch of immature whiny , hatefilled “rightwing wackjobs” Hard to believe a one ever even got elected dog catcher for East Podunk— If these are the best and brightest they can produce , God help everybody– We are in for another mud throwing slimey campaign with the Repugs throwing all the garbage , lies and BS they can think up .Absolutely Barf inducing.

  4. Christie couldn’t get his fat ass on the plane after his vacation. 😛

  5. Sadly, it looks like we’re in for yet another campaign season of media-hawking by Paul supporters.

    At least the Paultards are funny. More like a cult than like a normal political movement, even by right-wing standards.

    • The other thing that makes them notable is that they have made the effort to learn their talking points. If only more people on our side would.

  6. Paul represents the sane wing of the Rushpubliscum Party, these days.

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