CPAC Head Trashes GOProud

 Posted by at 8:50 am  Politics
Feb 112011

One downside of the doings in Egypt is that the absurd Republican antics at CPAC have been completely ignored in the news.  One major bone of contention has been the pseudo-Christian followers of Supply-side Jesus (not the real one, the Republican invention) refusal to attend because GOProud was invited and they hate LGBT people who do not convert and pray the gay away, as if that were possible.  Gay Republicans, come out from among them, because they just threw you under the bus.

11praygayAfter being under attack for weeks by conservative groups who opposed the inclusion of GOProud, a conservative gay rights group, at the CPAC conference — with both groups and individuals boycotting the conference in protest — the new head of CPAC, Al Cardenas, finally responds [CPUKE delinked]:

The new chair of the American Conservative Union, Al Cardenas, today distanced his organization from GOProud, telling FrumForum in an exclusive interview that “it’s going to be difficult to continue the relationship” with the gay conservative organization.   […]

“I have been disappointed with their website and their quotes in the media, taunting organizations that are respected in our movement and part of our movement, and that’s not acceptable. And that puts them in a difficult light in terms of how I view things,” said Cardenas.  […]

“It’s going to be difficult to continue the relationship [with GOProud] because of their behavior and attitude,” Cardenas told FrumForum.

Comedy. Homophobic bigots pulled out of CPAC and it’s GOProud’s fault, apparently for not ignoring homophobic bigotry that’s directed at them.

As for GOProud, well, zero sympathy for them… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Daily Kos>

For any gay person to be Republican is working against self-interest.  For that, matter, for any black, Latino, union, female, environmentally aware, sick, retired, and/or human person to be Republican is working against self-interest, unless you happen to be very, very rich.


  14 Responses to “CPAC Head Trashes GOProud”

  1. I can’y even begin to understand why LGBTs, minorities and women vote for these yahoos. The only way a person can be accepted by right-wingers and conservatives is to be a WASP.

  2. If only all those GOProud folks thought their civil rights and self-esteem were at least as important as their concern about Pres. Obama “redistributing wealth” to those in need … why, I guess then they’d be Democrats!

    Clearly OUR tent is much, much bigger than that imaginary one of the Teapublicans.

  3. I have never understood what would make any LGBT individual- any so called minority , women ,Afro-American or for that matter any thinking person with an intelligence level higher than a slug , could ally themselves with the GOP , in the hopes of getting even a fair deal—it aint never gonna happen folks – Never-

  4. HAAAA! Love the cartoon, but I can’t stand those who feel that way! Here’s the GOP trying to take the moral high pulpit again, rife as it has been in recent years with sex scandals. Give me a break—they can take their ideological purity and stuff it!

  5. Left, right, or center Tom you know as well as I do that we are and have been since Reagan simply been choosing the lesser of two evils. Gay, Straight or whatever CPAC is a tool of the kleptocracy that America has become through the financial sector robbing America blind for the top 1% and the Democrats are now pandering to that same sector for money to campaign with to retain what little power the lobbyists give them but more importantly the money they are ALL guaranteed after they leave office to lobby for someone at $1000 an hour.

    The right may be better at getting the cash and cutting loose the elements that make business shy away from them but both sides are pandering to Wall Street and if the Dems need to rescind DADT or shove GLBT humans under the bus for the $$$ they will do so just as easily as the right is.

  6. It’s so funny that even GOShame isn’t self loathing and homophobic enough to suit them.

  7. I observed the CPAC conference on Saturday for my blog, and with regard to LGBT issues, it was surreal. The exhibit room featured kiosks from GOProud as well as PFOX (an “ex-gay” organization), CitizenLink (which had “ex-gay” and anti-gay materials on its table), and Youth for Western Civilization (which had “straight pride” T-shirts on display). The CPAC program for Thursday even listed a workshops entitled “Traditional Marriage and Society.” Why an LGBT organization would want anything to do with this right-wing crowd is beyond me. 😡

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