Feb 092011

Native Americans have learned the hard way that such promises are not worth the paper on which the treaties were written, but you would think that the rest of us would show the respect to recognize that they are sovereign nations with their own cultures, customs and faith.  But Republican Theocon pseudo-Christians think otherwise.  This time it’s Bryan Fischer from the AFA.

HypocriteOne of the staples of Bryan Fischer’s daily radio program is the reading of, and expounding upon, the latest blog post he has written.  And today was no exception as he dedicated more than ten minutes to reading his latest post in which he claims that God used the Europeans to conquer North America because Native Americans were "morally disqualified" from exercising control and that they remain mired in poverty and alcoholism today because they refuse to give up their "superstition" and embrace Jesus…[emphasis added]

Inserted from <Right Wing Watch>

Here’s the video:

As a Christian, I honor the faith of my Native American brothers.  Jesus sided with oppressed peoples, but he had no tolerance for the religious hypocrites of his day, who were no different than today’s Pharisees and Sadducees, the Republican religions right.


  4 Responses to “As Long as Grass Grows and the Sun Shines”

  1. Fischer’s comment was racist, arrogant, and completely dismissive of the horrors that occured during white conquest of the Americas. Fischer has stooped to a new moral low, if that’s even possible.

  2. WTF is wrong with this racist asshole? Not everyone wants to be a Christian ya know.

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