Feb 062011

At long last we’re getting some of the first indications from the House on some of the things the new Republican majority wants to cut.  As expected, they will try to cut the deficit on the backs of the poor, the weak and the powerless.  RepubliSpeak Dictionary: compassion – screw the needy and pretend to care.

6hate-lies-greedEven as they take a cleaver to many domestic agencies, Republicans now running the House are barely touching Congress’ generous own budget.

A new GOP proposal would reduce domestic agencies’ spending by 9 percent on average through September, when the current budget year ends.

If that plan becomes law, it could lead to layoffs of tens of thousands of federal employees, big cuts to heating and housing subsidies for the poor, reduced grants to schools and law enforcement agencies, and a major hit to the Internal Revenue Service’s budget.

Congress, on the other hand, would get nicked by only 2 percent, or $94 million.

Recent hefty increases to the congressional budget — engineered by Democrats when they held power in the House from 2007-2010 — would remain largely in place under a plan announced Thursday by the chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, Rep. Harold Rogers, R-Ky… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Salon>

Republicans especially want to hit the IRS, because it defuses their ability to investigate the scams Republicans’ cronies use to evade taxation.  And these same Republicans who would have poor people freeze to death had billions to give to millionaires and billionaires.


  4 Responses to “What the Republicans Plan to Cut”

  1. Conservative Republican priorities are all wrong, period. A budget battle royal is looming and I predict it will cost them dearly!

  2. It is well past time to cut the congress back to part time workers making part time wages and their staffs reduced to a secretary and possibly a file clerk if they can pay for one and related insurances and taxes out of their own pocket.

    • That’s a good idea. Here’s another. Congress shall pass no law that a 12 year old child cannot read and understand in 15 minutes.

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