Two from Rachel Maddow

 Posted by at 9:34 am  Politics, Religion
Feb 052011

Because the news cycle has been so dominated by events in Egypt, Rachel and others have not covered several news stories that would normally be at the top oh her list.  Last night she caught op on two of them.  In the first, she discusses the negative effects of Fox disinformation on our national discourse, which I covered yesterday in Republican Propaganda Ministry Preaches Fear!  In the second, she explains the relationships between religious right pseudo-Christianity, hatred of gays, the family, C Street house, the Ugandan “Kill the gays” bill, and the murder of David Cato, which I covered on January 27 in Supply-side Jesus Has Death Panels Too!, and referenced Thursday in Obama Was Wrong to Pray with Hate Mongers.  In both video’s Rachel does such a superior job at exposing right wing insanity, that they are well worth the time to watch.

Here she also interviews Chris Hayes.

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There is no excuse for a so-called news channel, not just the goons like Beck and Hannity, to intentionally distort facts and thereby misinform the American people.  It’s almost impossible to have a meaningful discussion with a righty, because the only version of events they know bears no resemblance to the truth.

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By all means America’s government should take the lead in protecting the rights of LGBT Ugandans, instead of hobnobbing with the Family at their National Prayer breakfast.  After all, American Republicans took the lead in formulating Uganda’s ‘kill the gays” bill.  I think it probable that they see Uganda as a trial run for similar activity in the US.


  5 Responses to “Two from Rachel Maddow”

  1. I am glad that she took the time to remember to did the promised story on Kato. I also find it rather out of character that Hardball has been slagging Beck all week. But I like it. Especially when it was pointed out that Beck is living under some of the tenants of what he fears in Sharia law because the second biggest stock holder in Newscorp is a prince from the house of Saud. Saudi Arabia being the biggest user of Sharia law of any nation on earth. More and more do the fear mongers who try to make their audience afraid for their own gain need they to be pointed out and called on incessantly until they become relegated to the Paris Hilton margins (no slam on Hilton) of our culture.

  2. I’m really tired of those goons – the Family. They have nothing but hate in their hearts and this man’s blood is on their hands. 😡

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