Feb 042011

Most politicians and pundits from both parties have responded appropriately to the crisis in Egypt and other nations in that region, and that has enabled Obama and European leaders to aid the protestors by increasing the pressure on Mubarak to resign.  On the other hand, the Republican Ministry of Propaganda, aka Fox, specifically Sean Hannity and Glen Beck, are preaching that it’s all part of Obama’s Muslim conspiracy to impose Islam here.

4fauxWednesday night, Sean Hannity hosted “radical Imam” Anjem Choudary for the kind of “interview” in which Hannity called his guest “one sick, miserable, evil SOB.” The next night (2/3/11), Hannity brought on Islamophobe Brigitte Gabriel to fear monger about analyze the interview. As Gabriel predictably warned about imminent Islamic infiltration and villainy, Hannity used the segment to smear President Obama as somehow in bed with radical Muslims. Despicable, even by Fox News standards.

Hannity kicked off the interview on just the kind of note that must have warmed Gabriel’s heart – by playing a clip of Imam Choudary saying, “Islam is coming to your back yard!”

Gabriel wasted no time shrieking her accusations. But Hannity had more specific fish to fry:

Now, I asked him about the Muslim Brotherhood, the one point of agreement and I don’t think the rest of the world is recognizing this, is that the Muslim Brotherhood, Islamic radicals want to take over Egypt and Yemen and Jordan and the Middle East and Israel and the United States… I think people around the world, Great Britian, France, Belgium and even in the United States are having a hard time coming to grip with what radical Islamists believe. And the question is, how many of them agree with him? I think the numbers are too great, that we must contend with this radical view.”

Gabriel nodded her head in agreement as he spoke. When he finished, she went on another tear against Islam, the Koran, the Muslim Brotherhood and “their plan… for radical Islam to infiltrate and dominate the west.” According to Gabriel, they are now “implementing (the plan) here.” For what she undoubtedly knew would be bonus Fox News fear-mongering/academia-bashing points, she added, “What we are seeing is radicalism starting at university campuses by the Muslim student associations.”

But Hannity put aside – temporarily, I’m sure – focusing on universities in favor of his ultimate target, President Obama. “Our own White House is re-examining the relationship with this radical group, the Muslim Brotherhood,” Hannity said… [emphasis original]

Inserted from <News Hounds>

I’m trembling in my boots  that the Muslim Brotherhood will “infiltrate and dominate the west”.  Right!  How can anyone believe this crap?  Rachel Maddow has a similar view.

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That Rupert Murdoch and Roger Ailes keep these two on the air indubitably proves that they have no concern for journalistic integrity and that Fox is truly the Republican Reichsministry of Propaganda.


  4 Responses to “Republican Propaganda Ministry Preaches Fear!”

  1. Shorter Teapublican propaganda: “Of course all Real ‘Murcans should hate them … after all, they’re those scary MOOOOZLIMS!”

  2. Don’t be afraid. Glenn tells us we socialists are in cahoots with extreme Islam. Whodathunk liberals are so fond of Islamic theocracy? Their’s nothing too absurd for fascist propaganda.

    • They always accuse their opponents of doing the things, which they are doing themselves, but substituting Supply-side pseudo-Christian dogma for Sharia.

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