Reid Opposed Filibuster Reform

 Posted by at 10:26 am  Politics
Jan 282011

Reid-LegHoundMost progressives were hoping for more filibuster reform than the positive but pitiful reform that passed the Senate yesterday.  The Nevada Leg Hound, Harry Reid, humped the GOP leg for favors, rolled over and played dead.  He is holding up his agreement with Mitch McConnell that Republicans will play nice this session and not require a 60 votes for virtually everything, and that they will not exercise the Constitutional Option themselves if they take the Senate in 2012.  If you believe either lie, please send me all your credit card and debit card numbers and passwords.  Whenever Reid caves in to everything Republicans want, Republicans will allow a simple majority vote.  If Republicans take the Senate in 2012, they will find a reason to invoke the Constitutional Option, and blame Democrats for “making them do it.”  Here’s what happened, and yes, I took names.

filibuzzardsIn an effort to ease persistent Senate gridlock, the leadership on Thursday promised to temper the procedural warfare that has consumed the chamber in recent years and increased partisan tension.

The bipartisan agreement left intact the filibuster, the most powerful weapon that can be used on the Senate floor. But the Senate approved other changes Thursday in rules intended to quicken the pace of action, including new limits on a single lawmaker’s ability to anonymously block legislation and nominations.

At the same time, Senator Harry Reid, the Nevada Democrat and majority leader, made a commitment to give Republicans more opportunity to change legislation on the floor in exchange for a commitment from Senator Mitch McConnell of Kentucky, the Republican leader, to refrain from filibustering attempts to bring up measures for debate.

“We want the Senate to move deliberately,” Mr. Reid said. “But we want it to move. We have to find a balance that will encourage us to debate and that also enables us to legislate.”

The Democrats who had wanted to rein in the filibuster were unable to rally the votes to do so because others feared retaliation by Republicans as well as the possibility that the very nature of the Senate could be undermined.

All the more far-reaching proposals, including one requiring senators to remain on the floor if they were filibustering a bill, fell well short of the 67 votes needed to alter the rules.

Senator Jeff Merkley of Oregon, one of the Democrats who had pursued more substantial changes, asked, “How much will it really change for this Senate?” In exchange for Democrats not trying to force through a rules change on a straight majority vote rather than the two-thirds margin typically required, Mr. McConnell agreed that Republicans would not make a similar effort should they gain control of the Senate in 2012.

“I would oppose such an effort to change the rules with a simple majority in this Congress or the next Congress, regardless of which political party is in the majority,” Mr. McConnell said in a written exchange with Mr. Reid outlining their agreement… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <NY Times>

Oregon’s Ron Wyden finally got his rule change to outlaw anonymous holds in SR 29.  Only for Senators voted against it, all Republicans:

James DeMint SC, John Ensign NV, Mike Lee UT, Rand Paul KY

They prefer to have lobbyists able to buy a Senator to block a bill with nobody knowing who they are.

The Bunning Rule, SR 28, also passed.  It outlaws that ridiculous Republican tactic of stalling by having an entire bill read on the floor.  Only Republicans voted against it:

Thomas Coburn OK, John Cornyn TX, Michael Crapo ID, James DeMint SC, John Ensign NV, Orrin Hatch UT, James Inhofe OK, Mike Lee UT, Rand Paul KY, James Risch ID, Marco Rubio FL, Jefferson Sessions AL, John Thune SD, Patrick Toomey PA, David Vitter LA

The Harkin Amendment only got 12 votes.

SR-10, the comprehensive package sponsored by Oregon’s Jeff Merkley and others failed.  Republicans goose stepped in lock step against it.  Six Democrats goose stepped with the Republican Regime:

Max Baucus MT, Herbert Kohl WI, Mark Pryor AR, John Reed RI, Harry Reid NV, James Webb VA

Harry Reid’s vote was NOT procedural.

Feinstein, Inouye and Kerry did not vote.

SR 29, the talking filibuster also failed.  Republicans goose stepped in lock step against it.  Four Democrats goose stepped with the Republican Regime:

Max Baucus MT, Carl Levin MI, Mark Pryor AR, Harry Reid NV

Harry Reid’s vote was NOT procedural.

Feinstein, Inouye and Kerry did not vote.

How did you enjoy the circular firing squad?


  2 Responses to “Reid Opposed Filibuster Reform”

  1. This is complete and utter BULLSHIT. We were promised the end the to the filibuster and we got jack shit. If the Repubs ever get control of the Senate again, guess what will be the first thing on their agenda. This whole package of legislation BLOWS and not in our favor. FUCKING LOSER DEMS! 😡

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