Jan 272011

Few people have been more unabashed in spreading hate and violence than the de facto head of the Republican Party, whose leaders have all made pilgrimage to kiss his holy ring.  When Limbaugh mocked the Chinese President, Hu Jintao, during a recent state visit, a Chinese-American Representative objected.  Because of Limbaugh’s vile response, that legislator is now facing racist death-threats.

Last week, California State Sen. Leland Yee (D) called on right-wing hate radio host Rush Limbaugh to apologize for mocking Chinese President Hu Jintao and the Chinese language by speaking gibberish “ching chong chang” Chinese on his radio program. Yee, who is Chinese-American and chairs the state Senate Select Committee on Asian and Pacific Islander Affairs, said Limbaugh owes the Chinese-American community an apology for his “pointless and ugly offense.” Naturally, Limbaugh did not apologize, and instead railed against Yee the following day on his radio, calling him out repeatedly by name.

Yee’s call for civility did not sit well with one Limbaugh fan, who responded by sending several racist death threats to Yee’s office this week. “Rush Limbaugh will kick your chink ass and expose you for the fool you are,” the faxes read, threatening him with “death” (warning, contains racial expletives).


As the San Francisco Chronicle notes, “The faxes include a drawing of a U.S. flag-adorned pickup truck towing a noose that is looped around what appears to be a caricature head of President Barack Obama.”… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Think Progress>

This is Republican civility in action.


  10 Responses to “More Republican Hate From Dittoheads”

  1. “ACHTUNG” says a lot about the sender. 🙄

  2. You know that hate-mongering FAX had to be sent by a Teabagger – they can’t even spell L-e-l-a-n-d Y-e-e correctly.

  3. Haven’t we had enough of this hate in this country? I hope they find this asshole and hang him by the rope on his pick up truck. 😡

  4. I read about this, then saw it on Msnbc. How is the elusive pundit of putz, Rush going to squirm out of this?
    The standard “oh I was joking” won’t do. The thing is he is to big to fail. He is the puppet master. The crazy thing is we let it happen by all those of us who said “just ignore him” he’ll go away. To those people I ask they not help.

  5. That pick up truck is reminiscent of how Mr Byrd, a black Texan was murdered, about 10 years or so ago. I guess we never really have gotten past 1964 have we when it comes to civil rights.

    No man, corporation, or government is to big to fail. It is simply that the majority of people remain silently in their chairs clucking their tongues thinking that is not right. does rushbo own every radio station in his market? how many have called their local station to actually and continuously complain and gotten their neighbors to do the same. Silence is the enemy.

    • Mark, I agree. I have called the radio station that runs him locally. And I have called his local advertisers, several times. It’s tough, because anyone dumb enough to believe Rush is dumb enough to believe crooked advertising.

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