Rahmbo Ballot Booted?

 Posted by at 9:32 am  Politics
Jan 252011

Few Democrats did more to undercut progressives in the Obama Administration that Rahm Emmanuel, a business as usual machine politician and DINO extraordinaire.  Damage done, he left to become Mayor of Chicago, but the court have ruled that he does not meet that residency requirements.  He has appealed to the Illinois Supreme Court, but there is no word as yet.  I’ll do a last minute check right before posting this.

25RhamboAn Illinois appellate court ruled Monday that Rahm Emanuel cannot run for mayor of Chicago, a decision that shocked the city’s political establishment and triggered a rapid appeal from the former White House chief of staff to the state Supreme Court.

Since returning from Washington, Emanuel (D) had not lived in his North Side home long enough to meet Chicago’s one-year residency requirement to run for mayor, a divided three-judge panel ruled.

The decision, which followed months of unsuccessful attempts to challenge Emanuel’s residency claim, came only days before the city starts early voting.

And regardless of the outcome of Emanuel’s appeal, the ruling threatened to strip his name from the ballot – potentially putting him at a severe disadvantage in the Feb. 22 election. Elections officials said that unless a court immediately granted Emanuel’s request for a stay, they would begin printing ballots without his name so that voting could begin as scheduled next week… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Washington Post>

Frankly, I would thoroughly enjoy seeing Rahmbo’s career come to an end, because he thought he was too important to obey the rules.

Update: Still no ruling from the Illinois Supreme Court.

Update: They ruled that his name stays on the ballot pending his appeal.


  2 Responses to “Rahmbo Ballot Booted?”

  1. And the actual final tally of the 3-judge panel vote was 96-48. And it was confirmed by the Board of Election Commissioners!

    Hey, come on, now … this is Chicago we’re talking about here! [Note: I’m a born and raised Illinoisan and former Chicago resident.]

    The Chicago cynic in me says that a man with over $10 million in his campaign fund treasure chest who can’t “win” a case in a Chicago Appeals Court – or the Illinois Supreme Court – is probably not a man who is qualified to be Chicago’s type of mayor.

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