Jan 152011

The Republican Party is an equal opportunity enterprise.  If any group opposes their agenda to eliminate the middle class and establish one party rule, they will turn the full weight of their bigotry on that group and, if it happens to be a racial minority, they have plenty of racism to go around.

15lepageMaine’s tea party-backed Gov. Paul LePage (R) has gone from telling President Obama to “go to hell [Faux Noise delinked]” to telling the NAACP to “kiss my butt,” after the storied civil rights organization criticized LePage for declining invitations to attend events honoring Martin Luther King Day. The NAACP had invited LePage to events in Portland and Bangor, but a spokesman for the governor said he “already has personal and professional commitments scheduled for Monday.” “We don’t want to misinterpret his intention, but the message we’re getting is that we’re not welcome and we’re not part of the Maine he’s preparing to lead,” said local NAACP state director Rachel Talbot Ross. LePage fired back at the group’s chiding, telling WGME News 13 that the NAACP is just a “special interest group” that can “kiss my butt”…

Inserted from <Think Progress>

Now I’m not claiming that LaPage has a particular hatred for black people.  I trust he’s equally bigoted against Latinos, Native Americans, LGBT people, and anyone else who refuses to goose-step with him.


  3 Responses to “Republican Governor to Black America: "Kiss My Butt!””

  1. Other than difference in funny outfits they wear, I’m not seeing a bit of difference between members of the KKK and today’s Tea Party.

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