Bill Maher is Back!

 Posted by at 11:23 am  Plus, Politics
Jan 152011

This last week has been one of the most emotionally charged in my memory.  September 11, the assassinations of JFK, RFK and MLK, the 1968 police riot in Chicago, and the Kent State murders come to mind.  I am the last to take these events lightly, but there comes a time that we all need to stop crying long enough to laugh.  For that purpose few are better than Bill Maher, and I have a couple clips from his season opener to close out this week’s articles for you.

In the first he has some fun with Sarah.

In the second, he buggers the Tea Party.

The Founding Fathers would have hated your guts.”  I would have used a term other than hate, but in humor there is often truth.


  2 Responses to “Bill Maher is Back!”

  1. That man is right on! Thanks for sharing the brilliance, TomCat! He really condenses it all and cuts right to the chase!

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