Jan 082011

For me to give high praise to a Republican is a very rare thing, but never let it be said that I won’t give credit fairly when credit is due.  Steven Daglas, an Illinois Republican has listed twenty six different ways that that the RepubliCare Death Angel, Jan Brewer, can fund organ transplants for Arizona Medicaid patients.  She can limit her body count to two victims murdered by her RepubliCare Death Panel.  All she has to do is pick one of Daglas’ twenty six solutions.  But the RepubliCare Death Angel remains silent.

8brewerA few months back a 30-year-old Republican professional from Chicago was reading news articles about cuts to Arizona’s transplant program and wondered if there was a way for him to help.

His name is Steven Daglas and he says that he was particularly struck by the story of Seton Catholic High School assistant basketball coach Tiffany Tate, a 27-year-old with cystic fibrosis who, owing to the cuts, is no longer eligible for a double lung transplant.

“I’ve only been on this Earth three years more than Tiffany,” Daglas told me. “I’ve done some political work in the past and I thought, well, I understand how policy works so I wondered if there were ways to find this money. So I went through thousands of pages of stuff and I came up with these ideas.”

Those thousands of pages included the entire state budget, along with “audits, briefings and financial reports from the Auditor General, JLBC, AHCCCS and others.”

At the end of his research Daglas came up with what he believes to be 26 possible ways to restore funding for the transplants… [emphasis added]

Inserted from <Arizona Central Daily>

Kudos to Rep. Daglas.  He saw a great injustice and he put helping those in need ahead of his party.  I fear that they will take vengeance upon him, but hope not.  Keith Olbermann told his story and interviewed him.

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I sincerely thank Daglas for his good work and hope that the Death Angel is shamed into abandoning her quest to murder Arizonans in need of transplants.


  8 Responses to “The RepubliCare Death Angel Remains Silent”

  1. “RepubliCare Death Angel” What a great name for her!

  2. Tom, believe me it is very difficult for me to moderate my language, but this despicable bitch Brewer should be held responsible. Her stance is one of the cases where it is very difficult to turn the other cheek and I go for the Old Testament theory of hoping for an eye for an eye for her.

    • Charles, I have no problem with calling her a despicable bitch. That’s truth telling. I do have a problem with responding to right wing violence in kind.

  3. Charles – you make a very good point. She didn’t want to do the work to find the money to restore these transplants but this man did. If she doesn’t pick one and if I were a transplant victim waiting, I would high tail it out of that state. Disgusting.

    • Lisa, for most, leaving the state require them to first establish residence elsewhere and then go to the bottom of the waiting list.

  4. AARP reported on this in their newsletter. Not all seniors are Tea Party sheeple. AARP is being very aggressive in lobbying to keep the hard-won healthcare reforms.

    • As they well should. It’s nice to see AARP doing something other than marketing their “partners” products… for a change.

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